Tempest: Chapter 2 - Black Out
#3 of Tempest
Chapter 2 of Tempest. It's not that big of a chapter and is mainly just move the story a little more forward. Comment what you think so far and give me a hints as to what you think should happen. I might just change up the future chapters a bit ;)
Demodo wakes up and finds himself in an unknown area. Koda quickly helped the hybrid come to understand what happened and agrees to care for him until he is capable of leaving on his own.
Chapter 2 - Black Out
My ears came to life before my eyes did. I heard a crackling not to far from me, almost like a fire. But that was all I could pick up, which was odd. Was this what hell sounded like? Is that where I ended? Probably what I deserved as my eyes began to slowly open.
Everything was a blur, colors being the only thing that were able to form, and even though seemed impossible to determine. I blinked a couple times trying to gain focus, but that only in succeeded in my eyes watering up. Giving an irritated sigh I closed them once again, giving them a second before opening once more. Shapes started to take shape and colors were beinning to become more and more defined.
A fireplace sat across from me, maybe about a yard away. The bricks surrroundning it was dark and obviously used. The walls were white and the floor was a dark blue carpet. {Wait... What? Where am I?} I pondered as I looked around. A tv turned to a news station sat above the fireplace and the couch was black and like leather. When I sat up the coushins made no noise from the shifting weight. My legs fell over onto the floor, my whole body feeling like it weighed a ton. I looked down and saw he was wearing dry and unfamiliar clothes. I raised an eyebrow. I tried standing up but found it impossible to allow my muscles to carry my weight. I covered my eyes with my paws, placing my elbows on my knees, a small sigh escaping my muzzle.
I didn't here anything, and maybe that's why I jumped the way I did when I heard a deep voice call out 'Hey'. My ears stood at attention and my fur instantly puffed up as I looked up. A white polar bear stood in the netrance of the room. He had on jeans and a white beader, a gray towel wrapped drapped around his shoulders. A toothbrush was in his paw and a he had a relieved look on his face, a smile on his muzzle. I looked him up and down. Being a bear he was naturally big, so that means he could easily overpower me if I had to attempt to fleee by hurting him. That idea flew right out of the window. The beader held tightly to his muscular frame.
"A-are you ok?" He asked softly. It was almost like he was a gentle giant, which would've made me laugh had it not been for the fact I was waking up in his house for some unknown reason.
"Did you kidnap me!?" I demanded angrily. The bears jaw dropped a bit as his eyes widen. He instantly began shaking his head as though he was really upset and worried.
"N-no!" He said in a stutter. "You were in the pond and you were knocked out. I brought you out and performed cpr to save your life. I didn't kidnap you, I saved you. I was just walking along-" He began his whole story in such a rush to explain everything to me that I didn't quite grasp all that he said. I cocked my head at him as I tried listening to what had happened. Once he had quieted down he was breathing heavily and was obviously a little shake.
"You... You performed CPR on me?" I asked softly. The red in his cheeks become completely visible as they darkened.
"Well, yeah, I had to to save you." He said then walked out of the door. I slowly got up but my legs still were not functioning at full 100%. I stumbled over to the wall and used it for support as I turned the corner. A hallway led to three different doors. One was open ajar and running water could be heard form behind it. I assumed he was in it, finishing brushing his teeth. I stopped and caught my breath. It seemed my body was deprived of more energy than I thought. After a few seconds the bear came out and looked at me.
"What are you doing?" He asked with worry. "You shouldn't be moving." He pointed out as he began walking towards me, holding out his paw.
"I'm fine." I said quietly as I pushed off the wall and tried standing on my own. I lasted maybe a couple steps to the bathroom before my knee gave out and I stumbled into the bear. He luckily caught me, his arms wrapping around me.
"I told you." He said quietly as he wrapped an arm around his neck, helping me to my feet. He proceeded to help to the restroom, stopping at the door to let me go the rest of the way on my own. I used the restroom with no issue and walked to the sink. I turned on the water and stuck my paws under the faucet. Memories seemed to hit me like a freight train. The jump... the river below... my father and his abuse.... my mother... I found myself whimpering quietly as tears began to slide down my cheeks. I quickly dabbed at them with slight anger.
"I don't cry." I growled quietly as I rinsed off soap from my paws and turning the water off. I grabbed the handtowel and dried off. I opened the door and found the bear standing in a door way a little further down the hall. He saw me step out and began walking towards me me, holding out his paw again.
"I-I'm fine now..." I mumbled. I egan walking slowly down the hallway as more and more memories ran through my head. I couldn't tell if I was whimpering or if my memories felt that real. I took another step and my mind went black... everything went black.
The black haze began to disappear as he looked around, recognizing the living room of the polar bear. He tried sitting up but the throbbing of his head caused him to wince and a large paw pressed gently on his chest.
"Lay back down." A voice said softly. I looked up and saw the bear staring at me with worry as he knelt beside me. My paw went up to my forehead and found a wet cloth soaking my fur. I let out a sigh as I laid back down. My brain began to hurt as I tried remembering what had come over me.
"W... What happened?" I asked quietly as my eyes shut.
"You blacked out. You're still too exhausted to be doing anything." He said as he got up and left my side. I gave a quiet and angry growl.
"Can't stand being bed ridden." I grumbled as my eyes slowly opened. The bear walked back into the room with a glass of water in his paw and ham and cheese sandwich on a plate in his other. He knelt beside me, placing the water and plate beside the couch.
"I'll help you sit up." He said as placed his paw under my arm, giving me support as I pushed myself to an upright position. My head screamed out in defiance, making me lay my head back to get it to stop throbbing so much. The bear placed the plate in my lap and sat beside me, making sure to put space between us. I slowly brought the sandwich to my muzzle, sniffing it before taking a bite out of it. My stomach grumbled and my hungry got the best of me. I wolfed down the sandwich rather quickly, but I could already feel my strength beginning to return. I reached down and grabbed the glass and took a giant gulp. It was cool and sent a relaxing wave throughout my body.
"Thanks..." I said quietly. My voice was still a little weak. The bear smiled happily and gave a nod.
"You're welcome." He replied.
"May I get the name of my rescuer?" I asked softly, tilting my head. The bear held out his paw.
"It's Koda. Koda Rodes." He said and smiled happily. I took his paw in mine and gave it a gentle shake.
"My name is Demodo Hayzen." I said in return. Koda stood up and grabbed my plate. He turned, leaving the room. My eyes saw his little stubby tail wiggling around, which meant he was either really excited or just really happy. He smiled and shook his head. When he came back he sat back down.
"You'll most likely not be able to go off on your own for a couple days. You're more than welcomed to bunk here." He said as he scratched the back of his head, his eyes avoiding mine. It was a sweet gesture, and I didn't have anywhere else to go, nor any idea where I was at.
"Sure. I mean, I don't anywhere else I can go." I said and smiled. Koda smiled and shook his head.
"Great." His eyes seemed to brighten with joy. He got up and straightened his jeans out.
"I have some things I have to do around town, so if you want, you can sit her and watch tv and re-"
"I'd like to tag along. If that's ok with you." I said cutting him off. Honestly, I didn't think me being alone was going to be the greatest of things. Koda gave a small nod as he sat back down.
"Alright, we'll leave in a little bit once you're more steady on your feet." He leaned back and clicked on the tv with his remote, a random series popping on the screen. I wrapped my tail around my leg and relaxed, slowly recovering my energy.