Sam's Guilt

Sam looked over at the sleeping figure of Spike next to him. He took him all in, examining every feature of him... For some reason, he was moving towards him. He wrapped his arm around Spike, pulling him in close. "What are you doing?" Sam looked up...

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Song -- Take Me

I've had boys like you before So beautiful, so perfect You tell me you love me to my core But what am I supposed to believe? But look how far we've come Theres not much damage thats been done Am I supposed to believe that this is the one? But...

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From The Ashes

As Freddy looked over a landscape bathed in orange, he thought to himself how this was one of the few good things about the end of the world. Everything was strangely more... Beautiful. He watched as the sun went to sleep, casting that gorgeous...

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By The Campfire

I looked over the red fox boy's features, flames seeming to leap off his face in anger. "Freddy...", I managed to say. "No! Be quiet and listen, racoon!" I shut my mouth immediately. "You...", Freddy began, his finger shakily pointing at me....

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These Moments -- Episode One

Humans and furries never got along, they down right hated eachother, and it didn't help that furries had no place to call hom. Humans segregated and prosecuted the furry population everywhere, and none of their lives were safe. That's when a city was...

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