From The Ashes

Story by CreativePr0cess on SoFurry

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#2 of From The Ashes Saga

Chapter One (Please read starting from the prologue).

As Freddy looked over a landscape bathed in orange, he thought to himself how this was one of the few good things about the end of the world.

Everything was strangely more... Beautiful.

He watched as the sun went to sleep, casting that gorgeous shade of orange across an empty wasteland surrounding a desolate town of six survivors. This town was home to corroding shops, trashed roads, and a wall made of about just anything the survivors could find. The wall was built to keep out... The monsters.

No one could ever predict when they would come, as it seemed random each time, but each of those times they came in hundreds. Luckily, the creatures were slow and stupid. Freddy had seen, or at least heard, some of the other guards kills ranging from twenty to sixty. Though, he usually killed near one hundred each night. The end times had come long ago, and the survivors left were made of the strongest metals.

The only problem was that each time they came to attack, they seemed to be growing larger. Freddy wasn't sure how much longer they had until thousands of them were clawing at their doors. How long would they be able to hold them out? Thoughts like this always troubled Freddy, but he had his part to play. The confident, tough guy that everyone looks up to. He had to act like he had hope for the others in town, or else who would? But up here, on top of this old apartment, he could be himself, and watch the world unfold around him.

"I thought you would be up here", said a sudden voice, which almost caused Freddy to fall off the edge of the building. "Jumpy much?"

Freddy turned around, staring down the raccoon with aggitation. "Sean...", he foreboded. Then he smiled. Sean was easily Freddies favorite person in the entire town, despite most likely being the weakest.

Sean walked over to the fox, sitting down next to him, his feet now dangling off the side of the rooftop. "Hey, Freddy." The fox noticed a strangely dry tone to Sean's voice. He was usually always smiling and cracking a joke, despite any circumstances.

"What's up? Is something wrong?", Freddy asked, worried.

"Ya-Yah... We need to talk", the raccoon said awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with Freddy and clenching his jean jumpsuit with a sweaty palm.

"What's happened?" Freddy feared the worst.

"No, nothing's happened-- I mean-- Something wi-- May happen."

"Well, what is it? Out with it already!"

Sean stayed silent, then after awhile let out a sigh. He looked down at the ground below. "I've... I've been thinking for awhile."

"Well, gee, that's a surprise", the fox responded sarcastically. All Sean did WAS think.

Sean didn't even hint at amusement. "Each day... We're losing more and more of us...". Freddy didn't like where this was going. "So how long is it until there isn't any US? Until we are all walking corpses, with no goal in life but to eat any living thing we can get our hands on? How long until... We're them?" The raccoon finally picked up his head and stared into Freddy's eyes, looking for any sort of answer in them.

"I-- I don't know". Looks like Freddy isn't the only person to ask these same questions.

"Yes you do...", Sean responded. "I can tell when you're lieing."

"Well... Then what do you think?"

"What do I think? Well.. I think we're all doomed. Part of me just knows, just feels that a horde too massive for us to handle is on the way."

"So, that's it, huh? Just throw in the towel and meet our maker?"

"Yes...". Suddenly, Sean got alot quieter, and stopped looking back at Freddy. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Freddy asked, wondering what on Earth was going on in that raccoons head.

There was a long pause, an umcomfortably long pause, until finally Sean managed to mumble, "We... Leave."

Freddy was astonished. "What, leave the others behind? Leave the town? We promised, all of us, to stay in this town, to protect it no matter what."

"Back when there were still fourty of us. Thirty-four people have died protecting this STUPID town. What's the point? Why are we just sitting here, fighting the inevitable? Why don't we just leave? We could just slip out in the night, and no one would see us, and we can just leave all of this behind."

Freddy almost thought about it, but he wouldn't let himself be swayed. "I can't believe you. We can't just leave everyone else."

"Well, why not!?"

"Because you don't leave friends to die!"

"Freddy... We have to go. Please, just come with me. I can't leave without you."

"Why not?"

"Because--". Sean almost said the words, but he kept his mouth shut. "Because I-- I know your the strongest in town."

"You really don't know what friends are... Do you, Sean?"

Sean looked up again, staring back at Freddy. The raccoon expected to see anger on his face, but instead he saw a deep sadness. "Right-- Sorry, you're right. It was... Stupid of me to think of leaving."

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses", the fox said, standing up. "Come on... Let's get off this roof." Sean got up and followed Freddy down the staircase, back down into the town that Sean knew, for a fact, was doomed.

The sun was just peeking its head over the horizon when Freddy was rudely awoken by an abrupt shake of his shoulder. He rose from his bed with a start, then met the eyes of his awaker, who was another resident of the town. And that's all it took. The blind fear Freddy saw in that birds eyes made him wide awake as he rushed to gather all his equipment, mainly his fire axe and anything else he could stuff in his rucksack that he deemed useful. In a minute he was dressed in a grey shirt, brown pants, grey boots, and a plaid dark red and light red hankerchief.

Freddy rushed after the bird to the northwest side of the town, which was the part of the wall the corpses decided (despite their inability to think) to attack. Freddy got there just in time. The wall was about to give way, and they needed Freddy to stand even the slightest chance.

Freddy looked around at the other citizens, all armed with whatever they could find. One man was wielding a shotgun with no ammo, planning to use it as a blunt weapon. It was the only gun in town, as far as Freddy knew.

Suddenly, Freddy realized something was different. "Guys.... Where is Sean?"

The bird was the one to answer. "Nobody knows. He's been missing since 3:00 in the morning as far as anyone can tell."

Freddy nodded, and when the bird turned, let his face give way to rage. He left, God damn it, he left. Freddy thought for sure he changed his mind, but Sean really did it. He's abandoned the town to save his life instead of staying to protect his friends. Well, whatever. Good riddance to the fool.

As the sun picked its head up above the north-west wall, the dead finally broke through. The sun acted as a spotlight on the horde of what was easily over one-thousand of them. Everyone stared in shock, all having the same thought in there head as the monsters shuffled towards them This is where it ends.

Sean woke up just in time to see it all. Despite being miles away, he could see the town from all the way out here, just a little bit. And what he saw proved his theory. "Goodbye Freddy...", the raccoon choked, tears filling up his eyes. "I love you...". Sean got up, trying to stop sobbing as he picked up his sleeping bag, rucksack, water cantine, and his only weapon: a battery launcher. Once he got it all together, tears still falling onto the earth below him, he took one last look at the town, then turned and walked down a broken road, promising to never look back