Blood Runs Thicker Than Water

Blood Runs Thicker Than Water "Yes sir, I am. I will." Dexter answered. "Do I need to prepare a speech for it?" "No, sir, but I'll tell them the same thing my father told me when I was a cub. Do I have to be...

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The White Rose Blooms - 2022

The White Rose Blooms "Home again, home again," Dexter sighed, smiling. Always happy upon seeing his home for his son. Two-storied, cheap rent, and with utilities part of it too. Even a small garden he had set up front that Miles would often roll...

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The White Rose Matures - 2023

The White Rose Matures Dexter underestimated the impact that Power Rangers had in Miles' life. It must've been the toy he got him when he was an infant. No, it definitely was the Power Ranger toy, the action figure. ...

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The White Rose Bud - 2022

The White Rose Bud "Dex, please, trust me on this!" Chase insisted, clinging onto his friend's arm. He tilted his head towards the baking apparatus lined up on the kitchen counter. From whisks, cake pans, and...

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Dex and Miles: Wild Force - 2021

**Dex And Miles: Wild Force!** Dexter descended the stairs putting on his army gray urban camo shirt that matched his cargo pants of the same color. His son would still be in the living room watching Power Rangers. In...

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Like Son Part 2 - 2021

**Like Son Part 2** Week 116, Day 6 - 1000 Miles' ceremonial uniform was at its largest already, yet it clung onto him tightly. Despite being a tight fit, it hid his muscles well. Could be the scarlet fabric that blended...

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Like Son Part 1 - 2021

**Like Son Part 1** Week 1, Day 6 - 0700 Exercising in the rain looked awesome when someone else was doing it, not when Miles was the one doing it himself. They were thirty in a ten by three rectangle formation, pushing themselves from the mud...

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Like Father - 2021

**Like Father** 'Miles Fennix' was written on the bottom of the paper, then signed just above it by the wolf himself. His jittery fingers set down the pen, then slid the stack of paper towards the jackal in uniform. "Here you go, sir!" Miles replied...

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HimynameisDuncan - 2021

**HimynameisDuncan** The blush on his face was very very apparent. Despite his green scales and very light brown chin, the pink streaks couldn't be washed away. His heart beated louder remembering the goat's gentle wink at...

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Warm Up - 12 | Train Ride to Nowhere

**Warm Up - 12 | Train Ride to Nowhere** The time was five past nine in the evening but the skies looked like they were past six. A pale blue-green shade, canvassing on barely lit skyscrapers of people who worked overtime....

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Warm Up - 11 | Dying of the Light

**Warm Up - 11 | Dying of the Light** Evere rested himself upon one knee atop the cliff edge that overlooked the Cracked Stones of Machasm's Fall. Below presented a near-accurate retelling of Machasm's Fall, except it...

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Warm Up - 10 | Company

**Warm Up - 10 | Company** There was a sun high up on the purple sky, yet below it was a black hole within its vortex. Two anthropomorphic animals sat between the two. Distant enough that it didn't burn them nor sucked...

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