Spoopy Short

Alan Wallace was never one for fantasy. The dingo didn't believe in the supernatural. He had spent his entire life up to this dark point focusing on reality, the tangible; logic won out over everything. It had earned him a good comfortable living, if...

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Selective Memory IV

I stepped out of the wide double doors that led to the backyard of the estate, instantly knowing that my decision to come here was the right one. There was a large pool off to the right at the base of the high stone wall that separated this...

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Post Holiday Blues V

_Well here it is after a loooong time of collecting dust on my desktop. Personally not feeling too good about this one, but I'll leave judgements up to you...

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Search For A Focus III

**_Well that took a while... Sorry if you were looking forward to this chapter coming out quicker; work has been a biiiiiiiitch._** **_Anywho, here it is! Chapter 3! Still don't know why copy/pasting it all from a word document to the site makes the...

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Post Holiday Blues VI

_I'm not entirely sure it's long enough, but I've finally gotten around to finishing the Chapter!_ _Work's been a bitch, but at least I've gotten this one out. Hope you...

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