Willing Captive
**_Author's Note: WOW! It has been way to long, hasn't it. Well I hope the wait was worth it (and that you missed me but I digress). Here it is! The last installment of the Zoo. (For now.) I hope it proves to be an entertaining read for all of you! If...
The Parade
**_Author's Note: Wow it seems like forever since I last posted huh (or is that just me?) Anyways I hope you all didn't miss me too much and if you did, well I'm flattered (blushes). Sadly this part of the Zoo only has ONE more chapter left. But I'm...
Unwelcome Visitors
**_Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Never fear I have returned and just in time for Valentine's Day! Here's another chapter of The Zoo, and sadly I think we have at most two or three chapters left. Hopefully the...
Character Bios
**_Author's Note: To all you new faces if any, Hi! I am Ak16 and this is my 3rd series on Sofurry. To all my older readers a hearty welcome back. This is a small preview of things to come. It's a list of characters, or in this case, suspects. Any one...
The Beast Within
**_Author's Note: Here is another chapter of the Zoo! I think this one is a bit darker than the other things I've written so reader beware. Also, I've posted a little tease of the next story I am working on which I am dubbing "The Manor." If you go...
**_Author's Note: Here's another chapter for everyone. I will forewarn, we are getting into a bit of a touchy subject. I hope I don't offend anyone (I just want to entertain.) Hopefully you all enjoy this one. As always, please comment, favorite, and...
Welcome Home
**_Did you all miss me!?!?!?...not really...well I missed all of you. Just in time for the holidays, here is another installment of the Zoo. I will warn it may be a little heavier with the mature content than some others. Nothing Triple X or anything...
When It Rains
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm back again? It's a Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanza or other holiday) miracle! I doubt I'll be able to post another story before the holidays so allow me to take this time to wish you and yours a very happy holidays! May it be filled...
Has To Be Done
**_Authors Note: Wow, quick turn around this time, huh? Well here we go with a little fun in the Zoo. Hope you remember everyone, if not go read and come back! We have a lot planned for Dulion and the gang. As always, please rate and comment. If...