Willing Captive

**_Author's Note: WOW! It has been way to long, hasn't it. Well I hope the wait was worth it (and that you missed me but I digress). Here it is! The last installment of the Zoo. (For now.) I hope it proves to be an entertaining read for all of you! If...

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The Parade

**_Author's Note: Wow it seems like forever since I last posted huh (or is that just me?) Anyways I hope you all didn't miss me too much and if you did, well I'm flattered (blushes). Sadly this part of the Zoo only has ONE more chapter left. But I'm...

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Unwelcome Visitors

**_Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Never fear I have returned and just in time for Valentine's Day! Here's another chapter of The Zoo, and sadly I think we have at most two or three chapters left. Hopefully the...

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Character Bios

**_Author's Note: To all you new faces if any, Hi! I am Ak16 and this is my 3rd series on Sofurry. To all my older readers a hearty welcome back. This is a small preview of things to come. It's a list of characters, or in this case, suspects. Any one...


The Beast Within

**_Author's Note: Here is another chapter of the Zoo! I think this one is a bit darker than the other things I've written so reader beware. Also, I've posted a little tease of the next story I am working on which I am dubbing "The Manor." If you go...

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**_Author's Note: Here's another chapter for everyone. I will forewarn, we are getting into a bit of a touchy subject. I hope I don't offend anyone (I just want to entertain.) Hopefully you all enjoy this one. As always, please comment, favorite, and...

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Welcome Home

**_Did you all miss me!?!?!?...not really...well I missed all of you. Just in time for the holidays, here is another installment of the Zoo. I will warn it may be a little heavier with the mature content than some others. Nothing Triple X or anything...

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When It Rains

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm back again? It's a Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanza or other holiday) miracle! I doubt I'll be able to post another story before the holidays so allow me to take this time to wish you and yours a very happy holidays! May it be filled...

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Has To Be Done

**_Authors Note: Wow, quick turn around this time, huh? Well here we go with a little fun in the Zoo. Hope you remember everyone, if not go read and come back! We have a lot planned for Dulion and the gang. As always, please rate and comment. If...

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