When It Rains
#3 of New Beginnings
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm back again? It's a Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanza or other holiday) miracle! I doubt I'll be able to post another story before the holidays so allow me to take this time to wish you and yours a very happy holidays! May it be filled with love and laughter. And if a man dressed in red kidnaps any of you, just go with it. I need something nice under my tree ;). As per usual I hope you enjoy this installment. Please Rate and Comment and (If you're so inclined) Favorite. Also don't be afraid to message me. Peace and Love, Y'all- AK
Dulion sat at his kitchen table; a table he had come to hate due to all the misery that had awaited him on it. Now, as the sun shone inside his small apartment, he had another reason to hate the damnable thing. He had found the letter when he had gotten home from the bar. He read it again for maybe the fiftieth time:
I wish I had the strength to tell you all of this in person. Unfortunately, I don't think I have much left. These past few months have been filled with the most difficult moments of my life. I have seen my father arrested for horrible acts, I've been involved in bombings, and I've been shot. Each night I wake up to nightmares and I'm terrified all the time. That's why I've decided to leave. I can't stand living like this any longer. This means I'm also forced to leave you.
Duley you have been the best part of my life. I love you more than I can express. But it would be selfish of me to ask you to leave, too; this is something I need to do alone. I don't know when I'll be back and I'm begging you don't wait for me. Go out and live and be happy, even if it's with someone other than me; and it breaks my heart to say that. I hope one day I will get to see you again. Until then, know that I will always love you and I will miss you more than you will know.
With all the love I have in my heart,
He had cried when he first found the letter, but now he didn't have the strength anymore. All he wanted to do for the past two hours was sleep and maybe be woken up by Ibuki saying she had made a huge mistake. If she did, he would make sure the door was locked and holder her close all day. But that was just a pipe dream. There was a loud knock at the door, which made the headache he had from drinking worse. Dulion grabbed his cane and hobbled to the door. He opened it and saw Jayson standing outside holding a can of lemon-lime soda.
"Gift for you." Jayson said as he handed Dulion the can.
"A gift?" Dulion said, as he took the can.
"God's gift to drunks and partiers. Trust me it will make that hangover better, faster. And you my good friend look like hell."
Dulion didn't say anything. He simply left the door open for Jayson to follow him inside.
"See this is how I know you're not feeling well." Jayson said as he walked in. "No witty comment? No sarcastic quip? Luckily for you I'm sure Ibuki knows how to cure what ails you. Speaking of which, where is she? Asleep still?"
Dulion hung his head but resisted the urge to have more tears come.
"She's here, right?" Jayson said at seeing Dulion's reaction.
Dulion said nothing, he just moved his head to the letter on the table. Jayson picked it up and read it quickly.
"Oh my God." Jayson said. "Well, have you tried to call her?"
Dulion nodded.
"Twelve." he said. "I've called twelve times. Each time it went straight to voicemail. I've left a message each time, too."
"Damn." Jayson said. "Okay, keep trying as the day goes on. But more importantly, you need to take care of you. Make sure you eat properly and..."
A knock on the door stopped Jayson. He cursed under his breath and got up to open the door for Dulion.
"Matthew, I'm sorry," Dulion heard Jason say, but can this wait."
"Unfortunately, no." Responded Dr. Tennant's voice. "By the way this is Roxie, our new tenant."
"Pleasure to meet you. Seriously though, Matt, this is a really bad time..."
"Sorry, it's an emergency."
Dulion watched as Dr. Tennant in his stag form walked past Jayson with Roxie still in her human form following behind him.
"Dulion, we have a problem." Dr. Tennant said.
"Really Matt," Jayson said, "can this wait maybe an hour?"
"Jayson, he's our advisor and we have a problem."
"It's okay, Jayson." Dulion said. "What's up, Doc?"
Dr. Tennant gestured to Roxie. Dulion thought she looked afraid. It was clear she had been crying a bit.
"So I was going to go around a look for a job right?" Roxie began her voice shaking slightly, "And as I was walking, this guy handed me this and said I was being served."
Dulion took the papers from Roxie. He quickly went through them and read what was going on.
"You're being sued." Dulion said as he started to read.
"What!?" Roxie protested. "But I haven't done anything!"
"Well, apparently Aaron Feldman disagrees. He's the one suing you."
"That...that's my dad's name!?" Roxie said.
"Why would your dad be suing you?" asked the Doctor.
"Give me a second." Dulion said as he continued to read.
"And while he reads that," Jayson said, "you read this."
Jayson took the letter and handed it to the Doctor. While Dulion didn't really want to spread the letter around to everyone, he figured it was important for the Doctor to know.
"Oh dear Lord." Dr. Tennant said. "Have you tried...?"
"Twelve times." Jayson said.
"Dulion, I am so sorry. If there's anything I can do..."
"Don't worry about it." Dulion said, "I'll deal with that later."
"Why wouldn't she tell you?" Roxie said, clearly having read over the doctor's shoulder.. "Sorry, I know it's none of my business but...you we're dating right? So shouldn't she have told you?"
"I wish I knew why she didn't." Dulion said sadly.
Dulion threw the papers of service aside on the table.
"This is bullshit." Dulion said.
"What is he suing her for?" the Doctor asked.
"Back rent and breach of contract." Dulion said. "Your dad is basically saying that because you lied about being a lycanthrope you owe him for all of your expenses."
"But that's ridiculous!" Jayson protested.
"I agree." Dulion said.
"Is there anything you can do, James?" Dr. Tennant asked.
"Please," Roxie said, "I'll do anything."
Dulion sighed.
"Here's the bad news; you're going to need a lawyer, I mean a proper one. The good news is that I have a friend who might be able to help you. I'll give her a call."
Roxie nodded, but said nothing. Dulion stood up weakly, leaning on his cane and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"It's going to be okay." he said. "Trust me."
Roxie placed her hand on his own.
"For you too." she said. "It's going to be okay."
Dulion smiled at Roxie. Out of the corner his eyes he saw Jayson grinning at him and raising his eyebrows suggestively.
"Thank you, Dulion." Dr. Tennant said. "I didn't mean to bring this up a such a bad time."
"Don't worry about it." Dulion said. "Like you said, I'm the advisor; it's my job."
"Well please call if you need anything at all. Roxie, if you'd like I would be happy to show you around town and see if we can find you someplace to work."
"Thank you, Dr. Tennant." Roxie said. "I appreciate it. I'm already familiar with the area by the park. Though if you could show me other places that would be great."
"It would be my pleasure."
Roxie stepped out of Dulion's apartment.
"I hope I'll see you tonight at the potluck, Dulion." The Doctor said. "Make sure he's okay until then, Jayson."
"Love you Matt." Jayson said as he gave his husband a kiss."
"Hey Doc," Dulion said, "hypothetically, if I were to beat your husband with a cane for getting ideas..."
"He would probably enjoy it." Dr. Tennant said. "Good bye both of you."
Dr. Tennant and Roxie left the room and closed the door behind them.
"I will hit you." Dulion said to Jayson as he sat back down."
"What?" Jayson said, "I didn't say anything."
"You were thinking it." Dulion said.
"Fine, I was thinking it. Now I need to get you thinking about it and actually doing something."
"I'm not doing anything."
"I know and it depresses me so. So c'mon! She's cute!"
"And that's all I know about her."
"Aha!" You admit it then."
Dulion sighed.
"Fine, I will admit she is cute," he said, "but I think Cameron is cute, too. Doesn't mean I want to date her."
"Cameron happens to have a giant Russian tiger next to her side. With...Roxie is it...there's no such problem. Besides, isn't part of your job getting to know new tenants?"
"If I say I'll consider it will you leave me alone to grieve in peace?"
"Then I'll consider it."
"You should. Besides," Jayson said gently but seriously, "it's what Ibuki would want you to do."
Jayson tapped Dulion on the back and left the room. Once he was gone, Dulion took the letter Ibuki had written and held it close to him. As he did, he felt the sting of warm tears rolling from his eyes again.
Dr. Tennant began Roxie's tour around the town by showing her around the main square. Although the weather was cool, it wasn't unbearable thankfully. Together, the two of them went into each and every restaurant, bar, and shop they could find hoping to get Roxie at least an interview someplace. A few places agreed; after all it was the holiday season.
"So what do you think of this place?" The Doctor asked Roxie as they both enjoyed a cup of coffee.
"It's not too bad, but it's not home." Roxie said. "Although I doubt I'll see that again."
"Well then it's important that we make this place feel like home for you. Tell me what did you like to do back in...where is it you're from again?"
"Vermont." Roxie answered. "There's not much to do to be honest. There were some coffee shops and this old book store I liked to browse in. I must've had a thousand books...I think I'll miss them most of all."
"What kinds?"
"All different. Novels, non-fiction, you name it I read it."
"I see. Pardon me for a moment would you?"
Roxie nodded as the Doctor took out his cell phone. Within a few seconds, he sent out a message to all the people he could, that books of all kinds would be appreciated. He had faith in the community he had built up in the Zoo. As he glanced down at his phone, he realized that he sent the text to one person he shouldn't have: Ibuki. He sighed.
"She'll be missed." he said to himself without realizing it.
"Who?" Roxie asked.
"Ibuki. She was a good friend to everyone. I just hope wherever she is, she's well."
"Do you think she'll come back?"
"I don't know. I hope so. Still, I have learned in my life that people come and go. Are you okay?"
Roxie sighed.
"It's just tough." she said. "I thought my parents would be more understanding. They always said they'd love me no matter what. And now I'm getting sued. It makes being yourself harder, you know."
"Trust me I do." The Doctor said. "Remember I'm not just a lycanthrope, I'm also gay."
"Can I ask a personal question, Doctor?"
"Of course."
"Which one was harder? Coming out of the cage or the closet?"
"Admitting I was gay by far." The Doctor said. "That was harder because I tried to deny it when I was younger. It was only when I met Jayson that I felt comfortable enough to start telling it to myself. I'd accepted being a lycanthrope almost from the start."
"I wish I would have done that." Roxie said. "I kept myself hidden for so long. Maybe if I told my parents sooner...I guess I was afraid that this was going to happen."
"If you want to commiserate about coming out of the cage, I'd recommend a long talk with Dulion. Considering he was willing to stay in the cage until he was on his deathbed, literally. Even then, I doubt he would have mentioned it to anyone if he wasn't forced out."
"And now he's considered one of the voices for the lycanthrope community; along with you."
"Which, by the way, doesn't make him happy. But enough about Dulion. Tell me more about yourself. I like to get to know the people who stay in my building you know."
"Well, I'm 22. I graduated college last year. I was looking for a job before I was kicked out."
"I see. Did you have many friends in Vermont?"
"A few. None of whom I'll particularly miss now that New Jersey is my new home."
"Well hopefully you find some friends here and in the Zoo."
"Thanks. Me too."
Jayson sat in the large room eating along with the majority of the other members of the Zoo. Joining him was Dr. Tennant, Roxie, and the Makarov's. Cassie and Stephanie sat at the table just next to them, coloring and talking. All in all everything was peaceful. Except now, two people were missing. Word had spread slowly about Ibuki, but by now Jayson figured most of the people in the Zoo knew about it. Dulion himself was nowhere in sight, but Jayson understood that.
"I should make him a plate of food and bring it to him." Cameron said.
"I do not think he is hungry." Josef said. "I would not be if I were him."
"If I were him, I'd be getting very drunk right about now." Jayson said. "Preferably at a bar with plenty of good looking men who..."
"Jayson," Dr. Tennant said, "There are children present."
"He's right. Sorry Roxie, how rude of me."
Roxie laughed.
"I've heard worse." she said.
"How did the job hunt go?" Jayson asked her.
"Pretty well I think. I think this one bartender was really interested in hiring me."
"Our preferred watering hole, in fact. " Dr. Tennant added.
"Free drinks!" Jayson said happily.
"You'd bankrupt the bar."
"I'm dragging Dulion there tomorrow. I'm going to force him to hit on at least three different women. I'll do it for him myself if i have to. Unless maybe Cameron has a lonely friend or two."
"None I'd set up with Dulion. I like him too much to do that to him." Cameron said, rolling her eyes slightly at Jayson.
"Stop trying to set me up with people!"
Jayson turned to see Dulion walking towards the table, covered head to toe in white fur.
"And here I was just about to suggest to Matthew that we take you on as our lover." Jayson said.
"First off, you couldn't handle me." Dulion said.
"Oh! OHHHH!" Said Roxie playfully.
"Second, we have a problem. CATTL is coming to protest us. Just got the call from Blackwood. He says to keep doing what we're doing and that he's on the way. It shouldn't be too bad."
"You have CATTL here too?" Roxie asked.
"Sadly." Dulion said. "The last time they came here I almost died. Fun, right? Finish eating, I'll tell the others to stay calm."
"Then you sit down and eat." Cameron said. "Starving yourself isn't going to help."
"We'll see." Dulion said.
Jayson closed his eyes.
"You okay, dear?" Matthew asked.
"Of course they were going to come today." Jayson said. "Of course Roxie was going to be served today. Hell, I'm honestly surprised we haven't heard of the President-elect outlawing our existence yet. The one day we could use some good news and happy feelings, this all happens. When it rains it pours."
"Yeah, so get your umbrellas ready." Dulion said as he walked off to inform the other tables about what awaited them.