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Story by AK16 on SoFurry

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#20 of The Zoo

_Did you all miss me!?!?!?...not really...well I missed all of you. Just in time for the holidays, here is another installment of the Zoo. I will warn it may be a little heavier with the mature content than some others. Nothing Triple X or anything like that so don't worry there. And yes, this story will soon end...but I've been thinking of giving it a sequel...maybe like a second season or something...what do you all think? (Oh and I haven't forgotten about the Manor. It's coming...I promise) But as always, please rate, comment, and favorite. Have a question? Want to chat? Send me a message or a shout! To all My Jewish readers, Happy Hanukkah, to all those who celebrate it, Happy Kwanzaa, and for everyone else, Merry Christmas (And Happy new year!) - AK _

Dulion sat at his kitchen table and sipped his morning coffee. For once, there was a crisis he didn't need to worry about. He had told Agent Maxwell and DeCosta about his suspicions and they were taking care of everything. It almost felt weird to not be in the middle of a huge impending catastrophe but Dulion certainly did not mind being on the outside this time. Dulion felt himself drifting off to sleep again before a knock on the door forced him awake. He grabbed his cane and hobbled over to the apartment door. Stephanie was standing outside with a broad smile on her face. Behind her was a short, incredibly heavyset man. He had on a small pair of circular glasses which rested on his nose.

"Good Morning, Mr. Dulion." Stephanie said. "This guy said he needed to speak to you. He said he was on the parade committee. Jayson let him in because the Doc is out. "

"Thanks little one." Dulion said.

"Mr. Dulion, is Ibuki going to be okay? Because I really miss her."

"I miss her too." Dulion said with a sigh. "But yes, she will be okay. She should be coming home soon."

"Good! I'll see you later. Cassie and I are going to watch a movie. Bye!"

Stephanie ran off leaving Dulion and his visitor alone.

"Why don't you come in Mr...?"

"Oh it's Stevens, said the man in a very high, squeaky voice, "David Stevens. I am...well I am one of the people who put the plan for the parade together."

Dulion gestured Mr. Stevens inside and offered him a chair. Dulion couldn't help but notice that his guest kept wringing his hands together. Being an introvert, Dulion didn't much like talking to people he didn't know, but he wouldn't be surprised if the man before him had full blown social anxiety.

"So," Dulion said, sitting down and gripping his suddenly pained leg, "how can I help you."

"Um...well...you see...I...uh...I'm sorry sir, but would you mind terribly if I...you know..."

Mr. Stevens gestured at his body. Dulion, understanding the message, nodded. With a gasp of relief, Mr. Stevens began to transform. By the time he was done, the short, fat man was replaced by a short, fat, rat complete with twitching nose and whiskers.

"Thank you." Mr. Stevens said. "As was said, I am with the parade committee, and well...I...that is we... um...we have a small favor to ask of you, sir. As you know this is a time of great...well distress among lycanthropes and humans and there is talk of violence being possible..."

"Yes," Dulion said, "which is why I made sure the police and FBI were made aware. I have assurances that both groups are going to ensure everyone's safety."

"No...well I mean yes...I mean...that's not what I wanted to discuss. With such a tumultuous time...the committee felt it would be wise to...well...have a speaker who can try to...bridge the gap so to speak. And that is why I am here...the committee felt that you...being an inspiration to so many lycanthropes...and an advocate for peace would be the best choice to say a few words."

Dulion looked at Mr. Stevens like he had five heads.

"You want me to give a speech?" Dulion asked. "Who else will be speaking?"

"Well...um...no one. We...that is the committee...figures that a unified voice is necessary to provide a...positive message. And we believe that you are it."

Dulion buried his face in his hand.

"You do realize I have no idea what you want me to say or what you expect me to do right?"

"Well...sir...we...uh...think that you want what we all want; peace and justice. And...well, you haven't been out of the cage for too long, so you probably aren't that aware but...there are a lot more militant lycanthropes out there then you would think. Followers of Avery Johnson and others like him."

Dulion had to resist shuddering at the name.

"You see most of us are like you." Mr. Stevens continued. "We just want to get by in this crazy mixed up world. And if more people...humans and lycanthropes...realized that...it might go a long way. So what do you say? Care to say a few words. It doesn't have to be long."

Dulion opened his mouth to answer, but before he could another voice sounded out.

"Of course he accepts."

With a turn of his head so quick, he thought it might give him whiplash, Dulion looked towards his apartment door. There, standing inside his apartment, wearing a pair of old, beat up jeans and a matching t-shirt was Ibuki. She was more beautiful than ever. With strength and speed that surprised even him, Dulion quickly walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Welcome home." Dulion said.

"It's good to be back." Ibuki answered. "Now, tell this guy you're going to give the speech."

Dulion sighed and turned back to Mr. Stevens. There was a slight grin on his face, although Dulion wasn't sure if it was because he was about to get his speaker, or because of the sight he had just seen.

"I can't promise it will go well." Dulion said. "But I'll try."

"That's all we ask, sir." Mr. Stevens said.

With a warm handshake, Mr. Stevens left Dulion's apartment. Dulion stood by the door for a moment, wondering how, despite his best efforts to remain low key, he ended up, yet again, front and center. As he searched his thoughts he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. Ibuki pulled herself close to his body and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." She whispered seductively in his ear.

"Back for less than a minute and already throwing me to the wolves?" Dulion teased.

"Aww, poor kitty. Lucky for you, I think I have a good way to make it up to you."

"You just got out of the hospital and I'm guessing you have stitches...so..."

"Be gentle." Ibuki answered breathlessly.

Dulion began to turn around and move his hands behind Ibuki and down her back. A knock at the door stopped him in his tracks. Dulion turned his gaze to the door just in time to see it open up and Dr. Tennant step in, his head down.

"I figured it would be a nice surprise to have Ibuki here so I..."

Dr. Tennant finally looked up and glanced at Dulion and Ibuki.

"...I can come back later." He said, turning towards the door. "Oh, and if she tears a stitch, I kill you both."

Dr. Tennant walked out of the apartment, stopping only to turn the lock on the door before he closed it. Dulion felt his hand being moved to its original destination. He turned back and gazed into Ibuki's eyes.

"Now," Ibuki said with a sly smirk, "where were we?"


Cameron sat at the kitchen table sipping a cup of tea. In the other room, she heard the sound of laughter coming from her own daughter and Cassie. It made her happy to know that her daughter had found a friend. Across from her, Dr. Tennant sat looking lost at all the paperwork in front of him.

"Thanks for all of your help, Cameron." Dr. Tennant said. "I have no idea what I am doing here."

"It's no problem Matthew." Cameron said. "Enrolling a kid in school is becoming more and more difficult, especially for a first timer."

"It's funny. I always talked with Jayson about having a child. He was always the emotional one. Now that it's finally real, I'm the one who's a wreck."

Cameron laughed.

"That's normal. The same thing happened with Josef when Stephanie went to school for the first time. He actually cried in the car on the way home."

"I just hope Jayson and I are, and will be, good parents."

"You will be. So what's going on with the adoption?"

"Well, right now we're waiting until things quiet down a bit. Jayson said he thinks we should be giving Cassie a bit more time to adjust before rushing into things."

"Is that his professional opinion?" Cameron asked, jokingly.

Dr. Tennant was about to respond before being cut off by the sounds of running footsteps. Stephanie and Cassie ran up to the kitchen table and looked at Cameron and Dr. Tennant with pleading eyes. Stephanie was still in her pajamas.

"What do you want?" Cameron said warmly, having seen that look on her daughter's face multiple times before.

"Umm..." Cassie started, "we were wondering..."

"Can we go get ice cream?" Stephanie blurted.

"You know that your dad has the car, right?" Cameron said.

"I have a car." Dr. Tennant said. "I wouldn't mind driving, but only if your mother says it's okay."

Cameron nodded.

"Okay. We can go."

Stephanie and Cassie both let out a sound of delight.

"Yay!" Stephanie said. "Oh, can we bring back Mr. Dulion some too? I think he is sad because he misses Ibuki."

"Oh didn't you hear?" Dr. Tennant said. "Ibuki came home this morning."


"When did she come home?" Asked Cameron.

"She was released early this morning." Dr. Tennant answered.

"We should go say hi!" Stephanie said.

"I think that can wait until after ice cream." Dr. Tennant said. "I think she wants to spend some time with Mr. Dulion first."

"Why don't you get dressed and get your shoes on and we can go." Cameron said, picking up the tone in the Doctor's voice.

Stephanie ran off to her room, but Cassie stood behind. Cameron thought that Cassie was going to ask something, but what she would discover would chill her to the bone.

"I know what they're doing." Cassie said. "They're having sex aren't they?"

Cameron's jaw dropped, but she said nothing. It wasn't so much that she said it; it was more the matter of fact tone which she used.

"Cassie," said Dr. Tennant gently, but with a deep breath, "when two people love each other very much..."

"I know," Cassie said, now growing a bit more embarrassed, "mom and dad showed me."

"You mean told you...right?" Dr. Tennant said.

Cameron thought Cassie was about to cry. She began to shake a little before shaking her head.

"Before they took me...to see Avery...and his friends...they...showed me...what was going to happen...they said it was going to hurt...but that it meant that someone loved me...but...I didn't want to."

Cassie burst into tears. Dr. Tennant got out of his chair and kneeled down and took Cassie into his arms. Cameron placed a comforting hand on her back.

"It's going to be okay." Dr. Tennant said. "I promise you no one is going to hurt you here."

"I know." Cassie said. "I'm sorry."

"You haven't done anything wrong sweetie." Cameron said. "Come with me. Let's clean up your pretty face and then we'll go for ice cream, okay?"

Cassie nodded.

"Here." Dr. Tennant said reaching into his pocket and handing his car keys to Cameron. "You take the girls and have fun. I need to go have a chat with Dulion."

Cameron nodded and took Cassie into the bathroom. The little girl had stopped crying, but her face was still stained red from the tears. Silently, Cameron thought to herself that it was going to take a lot more than ice cream to even begin to make Cassie start to heal.


Ibuki turned gingerly on her side being very careful not to stretch too much and risk tearing her stitches again. She draped an arm across Dulion's chest, who was sleeping beside her. She had gotten so use to the sound of his breathing at night that she found it almost impossible to sleep at the hospital. She pulled herself closer to him and rested her head on his back, his skin warm and comforting. She had missed this more than anyone could imagine. Ibuki gently kissed the back of Dulion's neck causing him to shift a bit before waking up.

"Good morning." Dulion said groggily. "It is still morning, right?"

"Who cares?" Ibuki asked.

Ibuki watched as Dulion turned to face her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Can we just stay her for the day?" She asked. "We can put a 'do not disturb' sign on the door and just stay in bed together."

"I like that idea." Dulion said.

"So let's do it." Ibuki whispered.

Dulion opened his mouth to say something but a loud buzzing sound echoed throughout the room. Dulion swore and rolled out of bed, giving Ibuki a reason to whistle at him. Ibuki watched as Dulion stared at the phone for a moment, before pressing a button on the screen.

"This is Dulion." He said, stiffly. "Hey Danielle how are you?"

Ibuki felt herself glare at the phone after hearing Danielle's name.

"...wait you mean like now?" Dulion continued. "Well, I'm kind of busy...Ibuki just came home from the hospital and...what are you talking about...no wait...don't..."

"What was that about?" Ibuki asked, seeing a defeated look on Dulion's face.

"Get dressed." Dulion said, clearly unhappy. "We're having company."

"Danielle is coming here?" asked Ibuki. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"I don't like it either." Dulion said. "But she said it was an emergency and that she couldn't talk on the phone. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"Why the hell did you answer in the first place?" Ibuki asked.

"Honestly, because I'm stupid." Dulion said.

Ibuki was about to say something before a loud pounding was heard on the door.

"She's here already!?" Ibuki said.

"No. She's coming in twenty." Dulion said to Ibuki before turning to the door and yelling.

"Be right there."

Dulion quickly transformed into his lion form and put on the pair of pants he was wearing earlier and rushed out of the bed room.

Ibuki sighed and carefully got out of bed and threw on the clothing she had worn from the hospital. She also grabbed Dulion's shirt and walked out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Dulion was there, sitting at the table with his head in his hands. Dr. Tennant was across from him, looking more serious than Ibuki had seen him in a long time.

"What's going on?" Ibuki asked.

Dulion sighed.

"Cassie, the little girl who I had to talk to at the police station...she told the Doctor something pretty awful her parents did to her."

"It's horrific is what it is." Dr. Tennant said. "There has to be something you can do about it, James."

"Call the police. They'll send someone over to make a report and take a statement. After that I can call the District Attorney afterwards to see what he wants to do."

"Can't we call Maxwell or DeCosta?" Ibuki asked.

"Sadly, no." Dulion answered. "They're too busy with Parade security, which I'm giving a speech at, apparently."

"I figured they'd ask you to." Dr. Tennant said. "You're..."

"Yeah, I know. The voice of the lycanthropes, the savior of all humanity, and all that nonsense."

"...I was going to say that you're a rather articulate man who knows how to speak."

"Sorry. Just really stressed with everything going on. And I'm sorry Danielle is coming, Ibuki, but she said it was important and an emergency."

"She actually called you?" Dr. Tennant asked.

"Yeah. She said it was something I really needed to know. She'll be here in twenty."

"Well you may want to put on something before she gets here."

"I'll talk to the D.A. right after Danielle leaves. Go call the police. Ask for someone who is good with kids."

Dr. Tennant nodded and left the room. Once he was gone, Ibuki threw Dulion his shirt.

"I really am sorry about all of this." He said as he caught it and put it on. "Of course all of this has to happen your first day back from the hospital."

"I understand." Ibuki said, although she still felt a little hurt. "I just don't get why you're still willing to talk to her. She left you high and dry. I mean, I don't care she's coming, but I do care that she hurt you.

"Yeah, but I'm over it." Dulion said. "Besides, if she didn't, I wouldn't have you now would I?"

Dulion walked up to Ibuki and kissed her on the cheek. Ibuki followed up by kissing Dulion on the lips.

"You do realize that this means you owe me a day in bed all day, right?" She said.

"When this craziness is all done, I'll give you two." Dulion answered.

"Good." Ibuki added with a sly smile. "One day for me to have fun, and one day for the recovery. I'm going to make sure you need it."

"Looking forward to it."

"Not nearly as much as me."

Knight on a White Charger

**_Author's Note: I'm going to be doing some ranting in a moment, so if you want to skip this, feel free. As always, favorite, rate, comment and shout and I do hope you enjoy this installment. Now for my mini-rant. It's been a really tough week for me....

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Character Bios

**_Author's Note: To all you new faces if any, Hi! I am Ak16 and this is my 3rd series on Sofurry. To all my older readers a hearty welcome back. This is a small preview of things to come. It's a list of characters, or in this case, suspects. Any one...


The Beast Within

**_Author's Note: Here is another chapter of the Zoo! I think this one is a bit darker than the other things I've written so reader beware. Also, I've posted a little tease of the next story I am working on which I am dubbing "The Manor." If you go...

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