
I always used to think that falling in love would come with a sweet fluttery feeling. You know; butterflies in your stomach, a light pink hue with little hearts, and a soft melodious voice singing a heavenly tune. That whole deal. The first time I saw...

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As One-Ch.4: Hero

* * * **And this is the last update for now. I haven't gotten to work on the next chapter yet, and as I've mentioned before, I'm busy with other projects. I'll get to it as soon as I can. I'm sorry if my author's notes aren't characteristic enough,...

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As One-Ch.3: Friends

**Got this one up sooner than expected. Only two readers so far. It doesn't phase me. Read if you wish, I'm not gonna force you to read my stories. They're just unpopular right now. And new. So I understand if not many people have seen it yet. Either...

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As One-Ch.2: Family

**Haha! I did it! Or, at least... I think I did. Did... did this work? Well, If it did, then I'd like to thank 502nickster for helping me pull through this one. Seriously, you rock dude! Now, about the story. This chapter is a bit more......

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As One

**Hey there! Thanks for visiting this story. Not sure how the titles work out. I'm new to posting on SF. I'll figure it out eventually, though. It'll just take time. And I'm a bit spent up on that right now... I hate to say, but the writing in this...

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That Four Lettered Word

**Whoo! Okay! Back with another story! So Listen, I honestly forgot I had an SF account. I'm more of a FF.Net kind of guy, ya know? Either or, if you didn't see this over there, then I'll happily bring it here. I did work hard on this story, after...

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