The Fighter - Chapter 2 -
"This entire day has been going so well." Sonya thought to herself. "Beating up a thug in a back alley would only make it better." She continued to walk down the road. The roar of city night life filling the air of horns, yells for taxi, and random...
The Fighter - Chapter 1 -
Ding! Ding! Ding! "And there you have it folks! Winner, and still your UFC Womans Champion, Sonya!" The crowd roars in excitement as their champion throws her gloved fists up in triumph. Jumping on the balls of her feet in time as her music plays....
Origin Tale
Born, Kaeso Acilius Falconius, the first son to well respected general of the legion and a servant of his house near the turn of BC to AD. Shortly before his birth, Kaeso's father was killed in battle, and was left to be raised by his servant mother....
Love in War Chap. 2
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Relationship 7:30 rolled by, Randy and Ian decided to go ahead and go to the effect at the officers club. Randy donned the ceremonial officer uniform. While Ian just put on the normal urban camo uniform....
Love in War Chap.1
Chapter 1: A Meeting of Forces "Rex I got a question." "What's up?" "Can you explain to me why the hell we've been stationed here in Alaska?", Ian said to his partner and friend Randy. As they were being...