Love in War Chap. 2
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Relationship
7:30 rolled by, Randy and Ian decided to go ahead and go to the effect at the officers club. Randy donned the ceremonial officer uniform. While Ian just put on the normal urban camo uniform. "We're going to a special event at the officers club. Why wear your field uniform?" Randy said as he picked up his hat and tucked it under his arm.
"You know I've never cared to were fancy things." Ian looked to the window, "The storm has picked up." Ian said as he finished tying his boots.
"Aight, though if the Colonel gives you shit about it don't come to me." Randy said walking to the door and opening it. Ian and Randy walked out of the room, down the hall, and out the door into the storm that had picked up. Randy shivering the entire way to the officers club. Ian not the slightest bid bugged about the snow. When they got to the club Ian opened the door and Randy rushed in to attempted to get warmer. "I'm ok with it just being cold, but the wind chill just makes it a shit ton worse." Randy said brushing the snow off him and rubbing his hands together. "The gift of fur, it's a great thing." Ian said with a smile as he walked pasted Randy and into the main room of the club.
The club was a simple layout. A Bar the extended from the wall to about the middle of the room, a small raised stage at the opposite end, supposedly for anyone who wishes to make an announcement. A dance floor in between the bar and the stage, along with some tables and booths around the edge of the room. A Banner over the stage read, "American Red Cross Benefit". Randy walked in behind Ian and noticed the sign above the stage as well. "Oh, so that is what this event is for." Randy then removed his hat and stood in attention as the Colonel approached them both. A short unlit cigar was taking occupancy in his mouth.
"I was wondering weather or not, you two would show up." Drake looked at Randy, "At ease Lieutenant. I'm sure that by the end of the night more then half these people will be knocked out drunk. All profits made tonight from the bar will go to aid and support the American red cross. So drink, be merry, and before you two start drinking remember this." Ian and Randy stood still giving the Colonel there complete attention. "You are to report to the hangar tomorrow at 09:00. I'll ask for your answer then. Until then, don't get to drunk." Ian and Randy replied, "Yes sir."
The colonel walked off to mingle with other officers as Ian and Randy walked over and took a couple of seats at the bar. "And he didn't mention a dam thing about your attire Ian." Randy said as he sat down. Ian replied, "He probably cares as little as I do about it." Ian ordered a simple root beer from the bartender, Randy ordered scotch. "So what do you really think about our new lady friends?" Randy asked taking a sip from his scotch. Ian leaned back saying, "Hmm, don't know enough yet to make anything decisive. They're smart, beautiful, and talented that goes without saying though."
"Yea, you know, I have been thinking a bit bout what you said earlier. Bout me and my girl friends back in Missouri." Randy popped his neck before continuing to say, "Your right, she would be thrilled to hear I'm coming home early." Ian looked at him saying, "And your little side adventures with other ladies?" Randy took another sip, giving a sideward glance at Ian said in reply, "If you try, have fun with both of those lovely ladies." Ian took a drink of his root beer laughing slightly, "Should be interesting, though you know I try to stick to the old wolfen tradition."
"What was that tradition again?" Randy asked.
"Mate for life." Ian said. Randy smiled saying, "That's kind of what the catholic church teaches doesn't it? Save sex for marriage."
"My way makes it seem more meaningful, about love and loyalty. Rather then just bout sex." Ian followed up saying, "Speaking of our lady friends." He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder towards the door, where Shelby and Stephanie had entered and were being greeted by the Colonel.
"I hate how you can do that." Randy said turning back from looking at the door.
"Haha, hey your faster on your feet and you have better eye sight then I do. I got to have my perks." Ian said with a slight laugh as he took another drink.
The ladies were in there ceremonial uniforms. Hats tucked under there arms. Without the constriction of the flight suits to adjust there figures, the ladies breasts and curves were much more noticeable. There breasts swayed more with each movement they made. The ample round butts they have could in no way be covered by the skirts. Shelby's long brown hair was tied into a long braid that she had placed in front of her. Running down her chest and hanging off her breasts. Stephanie's hair was tied in a simple low ponytail. Her hair coming just below her shoulder blades. Noticing that Ian and Randy were already at the bar they walked over and sat with them. Shelby sat next to Ian, and Stephanie sat next to her.
"Hello boys." Shelby said smiling. "Glad to see you made it." Ian raised his glass to greet them. Randy giving his pleasantries, "Good evening ladies. You both look amazing." Stephanie smiled saying, "Well thank you. It's nice to see you to made it." Stephanie noticing Ian wasn't in his ceremonial attire asked, "Why aren't you dressed for the event?" Ian looked over at her saying, "1, The weather makes it a rather bad choice. 2, This is a lot more comfortable. And 3, I hate fancy shit." He smiled as he took another drink. Shelby giggled lightly as Stephanie just smiled and ordered her drink, a light beer. Shelby ordered a simple coke.
"Light drinks tonight ladies?" Randy asked as he finished his scotch. Stephanie nodded saying, "Yea, had bad experience along time ago were I got really smashed. Since then I've only done light drinks." Shelby followed up saying, "I hardly drink."
"A bad experience? What happened?" Randy asked.
"I had a bad experience." Stephanie replied obviously not wanting to talk about it. Ian sat there smiling at the conversation. The bartender refilled there drinks. Then Ian asked, "Where are you ladies from?" Shelby answered first, "Born and raised in Dallas, Texas."
"I'm from Austin, Texas." Stephanie replied.
"How did you two met?" Randy asked.
"We met during basic. We had the same goal in mind so we've helped each other get here. So you could say we've been partners since day one." Shelby said. Stephanie nodded replying, "What about you two?"
"Friends since sniper school. We got paired up one day, been partners ever since." Ian said. The jukebox next to the stage changed from one play list to the next one in it's sequence, and list of slow dance songs began to play. Starting with "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" by the Righteous Brothers. Ian turned to look at the jukebox saying, "Really? They have that song in it? Every club has it since Top Gun and it's kind of annoying."
"Do you not like the song?" Shelby asked.
"No, it's just that every place has it. I've heard it to much." Ian said returning to his drink.
Everyone else laughed a bit. When the song finished it went to another slow song. Shelby, moving her long hair back behind her, asked Ian, "Would you like to dance?" Ian stopped mid drink. Placing the glass back down on the table he turned around and got off the bar stool.
"As the lady wishes." He said with a smile, offering his hand to Shelby. In turn she took it, and Ian guided both of them onto a spot in the dance floor. Ian holding Shelby's left hand in his right. Placing his hand on her lower back a few inches above her tail. Shelby placing her right hand on his shoulder. Together they gently swayed back and forth around the dance floor in tune with the music.
"Those two look cute together, don't you think?" Stephanie asked to Randy. Randy in turned looked at the two of them dancing and having a little chat before replying, "Yes they do." He stopped for a moment then asked, "What are you going to do when you get out?" Stephanie moved over so she was right next to Randy saying, "I dunno, all I know is that I'll be with Shelby at least for awhile. What about you?" Randy took a sip of his drink before saying, "I'll be heading back to Missouri. I have a girl I have a lot to make up to."
"Aww, you're a sweet one aren't you?" Stephanie said with a smile.
Meanwhile over on the dance floor Ian and Shelby have been watching Randy and Stephanie. "They're getting along pretty well don't you think?" Shelby asked.
"It certainly looks that way." Ian replied. "What brought you into the military?"
"Adventure really. Dallas didn't have much for me anymore so I enlisted after college. What about you?" She replied.
"Enlisted couple years out of high school. Never liked learning behind a desk, preferred to have my hands on the tool while I learn. Started off as an MP, it was good while I was there but this granted me a lot more freedom so I signed up." Ian replied following up with, "What are you going to do when your out?"
"I have no idea, been doing this so long I can't think of what else I could do." She replied sounding a little sad about it, "All I know is that Steph will be there with me."
"Be there with me." A line like that would make someone think that your relationship is more then just co-pilots." Ian said.
"Could say it is. It just happened one night and we've been more then just co-pilots ever since. I've actually never been with a man ever." Shelby replied blushing as she thought back to that night. Ian smiled replying, "Don't feel bad bout it. I've actually never been with a woman. And it's not because I'm gay, though Rex does like to joke bout it every time he gets smashed. Could say I haven't found the right woman yet."
"Saving your self then?"
"For marriage? Not really, just always wanted my first time to be with someone special. Plus I've never really had the opportunity anyways."
They both gently laugh together Shelby slowly moving in closure only realizing it when her breasts bumped up against his chest. She quickly repositioned herself back so she was standing with a fair amount of space between them. "I'm sorry, they're so big sometimes I forget about them and they get in the way." She said. Ian replied glancing down at them, "It's ok, I'm not as much of a perv like Rex is. Though they are an impressive pair." Shelby giggled a bit saying, "Thank you. Your sweet, I don't see that in many guys. Especially not the ones who try and pick me up. Most of them are just perverts trying to get it with someone like me." The song changed again into another slow dance as they continued there dancing. Ian replied, "I can imagine that people like that would be greatly annoying. Though for the time I'm here, if you ever get caught in a situation like that, let me know. I can easily get the ass off ya." She laughed again, "And just how would you do that?" She looked up at him, for the first time noticing just how blue and friendly is eyes were. "I'd make him think that I was your boyfriend and be a bit intimidating." He said smiling with a slight laugh. She relaxed again the song, dancing, and the conversation were getting to her. She leaned in again her breasts pressing against his chest again. Only this time she didn't back away, rather she moved her left hand up and over his shoulder and gently held her hands together around his neck. Ian moving his hand to just above his other hand on her back.
"Getting comfy are we?" Ian smiled. Shelby smiled and nodded.
The event continued on for a few more hours. Ian and Shelby returned to the bar after a time and continued there conversation with Randy and Stephanie. Which slowly got a more and more ridiculous as Randy and Stephanie got drunker, Randy more so then anyone. Then around midnight the Colonel called for the music to be cut then announcing to everyone, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to thank you all for coming. Based on how many cans I see in the trash I'd say this was a very successful night." Some of the more drunk people around the room laughed. He continued, "Sadly though we have to call it a night, we have much to do tomorrow and it'll be a long day. Thank you."
"Ly help me up, my legs feel like noodles." Randy said holding his arm out. Ian hooked his friends arm over his shoulder and picked him up in a fireman's carry, Randy groaning as he did so. All four of them walked to the door and out into the cold night. Randy was slowly falling asleep on his friends shoulder as all of them turned to face each other before heading to there buildings. Ian spoke first saying, "I think I can speak for both of us when I say that it was really nice hanging out with you two. Shelby, I had a wonderful time dancing with you." She smiled saying, "Like wise." Stephanie looked at both Ian and Randy saying, "See ya both at the meeting tomorrow." Ian nodded and Randy, gently waved at them signaling good night before he finally feel asleep. Stephanie asked, "Is he going to be ok? He drank kind of a lot today." Ian smiled saying, "Yea he's done this a lot." Randy started to snore lightly. Ian shock his head before turning to his building saying, "Good night ladies." Stephanie replied, "Good night Ian." Shelby stopped him mid turn and kissed him on his cheek and smiled as she went with Stephanie to there room. Ian stood there watching them leave with a smile on his face before returning to his room and dropping Randy who was fast asleep on his bed and covering him. Then retiring to his bed for the night.