The Fighter - Chapter 2 -

Story by Tornado Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Fighter

Chapter 2 of many. Hope you enjoy it.

"This entire day has been going so well." Sonya thought to herself. "Beating up a thug in a back alley would only make it better." She continued to walk down the road. The roar of city night life filling the air of horns, yells for taxi, and random advertisement from the store fronts.

"Lets see, the short cut was...this alley?" She asks herself as she thinks back. "Yep it's this one." She wanders into the alley. The city sounds echoing through out the alley. Sonya's mind starts to wander. Returning to the moment in the fight where she landed that decisive blow. A smile widening over her lips. Her body continuing with the motion. Walking threw the alley along the path she has taken many times. Around a corner, passed a dumpster, around another corner, down a stretch two brick buildings, and so on.

With Sonya lost in her own thoughts, she was becoming blissfully unaware that the city sounds stopped. Leaving only the gently drops of someones drain pipe. The occasional scurry of a rat over a puddle. The tiger noticing none of this until her mind jerks back into reality and stops her body next to a dumpster.

"Wait a second. I should be at the other street by now. Did I drift off and make a wrong turn?" She asks herself. Looking at the dumpster next to her. "No, I remember passing this dumpster when I walked in." She looks back behind her. Seeing nothing but the familiar alley. Shrugging she walked on. Keeping her mind focused on her surroundings now as she passed around, crossed a T-section, and around another corner. Stopping dead in her tracks as she came upon a familiar sight.

"What the hell? The same dumpster? No way. I couldn't have gone in a circle." She says to herself. Her ears twitched, noticing something more, or rather, less. "I can't hear the street. That's not possible. I've always been able to hear the street, even in the rain." She turns her head around to look down the alley she just came. Not able to see or hear anything but the gentle drips of a drain pipe.

A chill rolled up her back. She snapped her head back towards the dumpster. "What was that? Someone watching me?" She asks. Slowly, she pressed onward down the alley. Wanting nothing more then to get back on to the street. She pressed on. Passing more corners, T-sections, and dumpsters. Picking up her pass more, she sprinted through out the alley. No matter which direction she took, she always ended up at the same dumpster. "This isn't funny! Where's the exit!?" She shouts out towards the sky.

"Tiz funny to uzzz." A hissing voice echoed around the alley.

"What?" Sonya said in a gasp.