Cosmo: Chapter III
 The Cosmo Series by Shadow\_Pup is licensed under...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter VII
Chapter 7 The nurse cuddles the cub for a while, as tears of joy drip down her cheeks. After a while, she sees the cub starting to squirm in her arms. " What's wrong sweetie? " she asks, still cuddling him tight. Before the cub can say anything, he...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter VI
Chapter 6 The nurse sees the cub bury his face into her chest, and she giggles some, whispering into his ear. " Sweetie, it's alright! No one knows how old you were before, so to them; you're just a regular puppy! " This causes the pup to take his...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter V
Chapter 5 Later on in the day, about noon time, the nurse is still in the cub's room, holding him very close as he sleeps. A few moments later, the cub starts to stir from his sleep, and he stretches his arms out, yawning big. " Huh...w-where am I? "...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter IV
Chapter 4 When Richard finally awakes from a deep, but horrible sleep, he wakes up to see he is in a hospital bed, with oxygen tubes in his nose, and a needle in his arm attached to a IV drip. He starts to hyperventilate, as he takes in his new...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter III
Chapter 3 His mother smiles down, as she goes to an old closet upstairs. " Now, were gonna have to find some of your old baby clothes! I know I put them somewhere in this closet... " she says, as she starts to rummage through the cluttered closet. ...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter II
Chapter 2 Richard looks around frantically, blinking as if he were trying to awaken from a bad dream. He nervously looks down at the rest of his body. His eyes widen, as he sees that he has indeed, become a cub. He looks down upon his chubby little...
Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter I
Author's Note Hey, this is my first story, and not for this site. I mean EVER! So, I would definitely appreciate helpful criticism for this story, just so I know if I am doing something right, or wrong. However, don't be a jerk about it. Anyways, if...