Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter V

Story by Shadow_Pup on SoFurry

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#5 of Be Careful What You Wish For Series

Fifth chapter in my FIRST SERIES!!!

Chapter 5

Later on in the day, about noon time, the nurse is still in the cub's room, holding him very close as he sleeps. A few moments later, the cub starts to stir from his sleep, and he stretches his arms out, yawning big.

" Huh...w-where am I? " says the cub, looking up to the feline nurse, which he is in the arms of.

" Well well! I see that this little sleepy pup is finally awake! " she says, causing the pup to blush some. " You hungry, or anything? " she asks.

The pup thinks for a second, but shakes his head. He isn't really in the mood for food, given the circumstances. She sighs a little bit, as she sits the cub down on the bed, and she sits next to the bed.

" Now, it's time I learned more about you! My name is Angela...what's your name, sweetie? " asks the nurse, smiling warmly.

" M-My name is Rrrrichard... " he says, looking up sadly.

" That's a cool name! It's nice to meet you, Richard! " she says, petting his headfur. The pup smiles. " Nice ta meetcha toos! " he says, but frowns a little bit at his baby talk. The nurse is a little confused at why he is frowning. " Whats wrong, sweetie? " she asks, looking concerned.

" I dun like my new voice... " he says, pouting a little as he says this.

" What do you mean, silly head? Puppies always have this kind of voice! Besides, I think it's adorable! " she says, giggling some.

" I'm naw a puppy!! " he yells, crossing his arms and looking at his feet.

She looks really confused, as she rubs the puppy's head. " Well, what are you, sweetie? " she asks, smiling.

" Weww, I was a 15 year owd doggy! I was a big puppy! " he yells, as he swats away at the feline's paw. She looks shocked. " Well, there is no reason to be mean! " she says sternly, which causes the puppy to look down, whimpering. She sighs, as she pats his head.

" Now, what do you mean...that you were 15 years old... " she asks.

" W-Well... I went to bed one night, a-and when I wokes up, I-I was dis... " he says, whimpering a little bit. Angela still looks very confused.

" That's...I've never heard of a grown man regress back to a....cub... " she says, but when she sees how upset the cub is, she hugs him tight, rubbing his back. " But it's ok if you're a cub, sweetie! I personally think you are the cutest thing in the world! " she says with a warm smile.

The cub blushes some, but smiles too. " W-Woo fink so? " he asks, looking at Angela.

" Of course! I could just eat you up! " says the feline, but that final comment causes the cub to eep loudly, and curl up into a tight, fluffy, and trembling ball. The nurse giggles some, and rubs his back. " Aww, I'm not gonna eat you, sweetie! I was just poking some fun at this little cutie! " says Angela, scooping up the trembling ball of fluff, and stroking his back, and rocking him ever so slightly.

After a while, Richard has uncurled, but is still in the arms of the feline nurse, enjoying the comfort and secureness of her arms. After a while, his tummy grumbles some, and he blushes a little.

" Is this little cub hungry? " says Angela, smiling playfully down at the cub.

He doesn't say anything, but he nods, his tail wagging some. Angela giggles some, as she rubs his tummy.

" Now, what do ya wanna eat, Richard? I think they're may be some mac n' cheese at the café! " says Angela. This causes Richard to blush lots, and he looks up.

" M-My momma still feeds me...babas... " he says, blushing scarlet. The nurse looks mildly surprised, but she just smiles, and sets the cub down on the bed. "Ok, sweetie! You want me to carry you for when I make you this bottle of yours? " she asks, smiling.

Richard blushes more, but he reaches his arms up, indicating to be picked up. This is much to the feline's amusement, as she scoops him up once again, and they are out of the room, Richard burying his face as he is walked out into the open hall, wanting to just disappear into thin air.

To Be Continued