Be Careful What You Wish For: Chapter IV

Story by Shadow_Pup on SoFurry

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#4 of Be Careful What You Wish For Series

Fourth chapter in my FIRST SERIES!

Chapter 4

When Richard finally awakes from a deep, but horrible sleep, he wakes up to see he is in a hospital bed, with oxygen tubes in his nose, and a needle in his arm attached to a IV drip. He starts to hyperventilate, as he takes in his new surroundings. He looks frantically around, and he starts to yell out.

" Moooommmyyy! " he cries over and over, attracting the attention of many doctors. No matter the efforts taken to calm him down, it is to no avail.

Richard keeps crying out, flailing around and struggling to escape. At one point, the doctors have no choice but to sedate the flailing, wailing pup. They stick a small needle into his arm, injecting medicine. The pup flails for a few more seconds, but the medicine soon takes its affect, and the pup is forced into a light, fitful sleep.

After an hour or so, the pup starts to stir again, and a female feline is sitting next to the bed he laid in, reading a magazine. The pup starts to freak out again, but sees that he is bound to his bed by little leather straps. He wiggles some, attracting the attention of the feline, who looks over.

" Well, looks like the puppy is awake! " she says, smiling.

The cub looks around frantically. " W-Where is my mommy?! " he asks forcefully, as he looks very upset.

The nurse sighs, as she strokes the pups headfur. " Don't worry about that right now, ok? You need to get some rest... " she says, patting his head.

" I wan her nooooow! " he screams, shaking his head violently. " Now now noooow!!! " he wails, and the nurse sighs." Baby, I need you to calm down, or you're gonna have to go back to sleep, ok? " she says sternly, looking into the pups eyes. He shrinks back a little from her stern voice, and whimpers

" I-I just want my m-mommy... " he says quietly, whining.

" I know, sweetie...just try and rest some, ok? You got pretty banged up, and you aren't gonna heal unless you let your body rest... " says the feline nurse, as she strokes his headfur.

" W-Will you tell me wha happened? " he asks, looking up to the nurse. The nurse looks at him, sighing " Well, you were in a really bad are lucky to still be here, baby... " she says, as she strokes his headfur.

" B-Buh wheres my mommy? Is she awight? " he says, blushing a little bit as he uses some baby talk.

" do I explain this... " she says, looking away from the pup.

" Wha happened? Tell me! " he starts to yell, looking very upset. The nurse shushes him, and looks down, sighing shakily " Well, your mommy.....s-she isn't with us anymore... " says the nurse, which bring a look of shock to the puppy's face.

" S-she is d-dead? " asks Richard, who is close to bursting out in tears. The nurse doesn't say anything, but she nods some, which sends Richard into a total meltdown, where he begins wailing at the top of his lungs. The nurse closes the door, and releases his bonds, scooping him up, and keeping him close.

" Shh, you're fine, sweetie! Just let it out...I won't think of you any different... " says the nurse. The pup then begins to scream and wail into her chest, banging on it weakly with his tiny paws. The nurse keeps rocking the screaming pup, rubbing his back and bouncing him slightly as she rocked him. Soon enough, he stops crying, and he looks up to the nurse.

" C-Can I have a p-paci? " he asks, blushing slightly.

" Anything you want, baby... " she says, smiling sweetly at the pup as she searches around for a paci. Once she finds one, she pops it into Richard's mouth, and he starts to immediately nurse on it. He starts to calm down, and he snuggles into the nurses chest, cuddling her tightly. She smiles, as she kisses his forehead.

" Now you get some rest, ok sweetie? You've been under a lot of stress that no puppy should ever go through, and you deserve to just relax... " she whispers into the pups ear, and the pup nods sleepily. The pup gives one, final yawn, before he drifts off in the nurses arms, nursing peacefully on his paci.

She giggles slightly, watching the pup sleep, and one of the doctors walk in onto the scene, and chuckles.

" I can see he has taken a liking to you! You should have seen him when he first woke up...never knew that a pup could have so much fight in him... " says the doctor.

The nurse giggles. " Well, it wasn't easy getting to the pup at first, but he melted in my hands once he trusted me... " she says, kissing the pups forehead.

The doctor smiles, as he watches Richard sleep soundly in the feline's arms. " Well, I'll leave you two be, for now... " he says, as he exits the room, leaving the nurse to cuddle and rock the cub.

To Be Continued