Black Petals: Chapter 3 ~ The Seed is Planted
A week has passed since that day. No one had heard from Amy since then. Cream had tried to check on her friend, but to no avail. Tails offered to help in some way, but received no response. Everyone was worried, but Sonic insisted that she would be...
Black Petals: Chapter 2 ~ Reality Check
Shadow the Hedgehog is a living weapon. To him, that is a fact...and it frightens him. All too often, he has found himself having to exercise restraint in order to prevent civilian casualties and lessen property damage. At times, it could be incredibly...
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 4 ~ Conflicting Intents
Well, this has been an interesting day. It seems that we have a third recruit. Her name is Rouge the Bat. She showed up on the ARK just as I was explaining to Dr. Eggman how the Eclipse Cannon works. She offered her services rather suspiciously, but...
Black Petals: Chapter 1 ~ Discolored Heart
Running. That's all she could do. She ran and ran and ran until her feet ached. And then she kept running. She could not see where she was going, because her vision was blurry with tears. This was fitting, seeing as her world has been turned upside...
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 3 ~ Vengeance Awakened
I apologize for not writing for so long. When you're asleep for 50 years, your free time is rather limited. Ahem. Right now, I'm back on the ARK, sitting near the Professor's doom bringer: the Eclipse Cannon. The Doctor should be arriving soon. Wait,...
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 2 ~ Tragedy
I can't stop crying as I write this, although I picked a hell of a time to do so. The military attacked us today. I'm not sure why, but I know it has something to do with me. Maria thought we should rescue the researchers that were wounded and help...
Journal of an Ultimate Lifeform: Chapter 1 ~ Life Upon the ARK
Honestly, I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't even LIKE writing. But Maria said it was a good idea, so here I am. Aside from the Professor, she's the only one I trust around this place. The place is Space Colony ARK. I was created here. Ever since...
Black Petals: Prologue ~ Heartbreak in Soleanna
It was a pleasant day in Soleanna's Castle Town. People were milling about, minding their own business. The band was practicing, the shops were still in business and students from Spagonia University were visiting the City of Water on a field trip of...
Black Petals: Chapter 5 ~ Rome Took Forever.
"Training from Hell". The type of brutal, painful, near-inhumane training protagonists are often forced to go through in order to get strong(er). These usually last for an unrealistic amount of time (if they're shown at all). One would often find...
Black Petals: Chapter 4 ~ The Training Begins...
It is mid-morning in Soleanna. By this time, most people are already hard at work making sure the City of Water continues to prosper. Their princess was even rumored to be studying various subjects in order to better benefit her people. Yes, all was as...