Rewild Riot
Rewild Riot What Was it? Unbounded, My wild words, Loping over strange champaigns, airy steppes? A craft crown, earned in ale and the roar of Our cutlass and Conjury? Dragon King. Me? Put there By you and Your wide eyes...
The Journey
The Journey Lonely little leaf Falls to the wild river Then into the sea. Overturned by wind, The oak tree caught in ice, Roots grasping at air. Petals push the earth Away, shedding light on the Heart of the Lotus.
Daylight to Dusk, Dusk into Dawn
Fruit falls in autumn. I marvel At the dreams of seeds. Snow falls in winter. I ponder The lament of leaves. Rain falls in spring. I smile At the hopes of mud.
Mirror's Lament
Mirror's Lament Remember You will Unfold me, watch Sun the shadow To part a heart in Time borrowed breath Separate coordinates Again back running Our minds, syncing Touch Sinking minds are Running back again Coordinates...
I Only Ever Leave This Bed to Make It
I Only Ever Leave This Bed To Make It Thank you For coming. Hurry Inside. Too cold And raining out. How are You? I'm good. Bathroom's behind you. I'll just uncover The bed. Bedspread and Blanket on the floor Flat sheet...
THRIVE Or Your atrocious butchery Bears their horrible deliverance Arctic massacre Eighty-four parallel discoveries Farther south distressing Rise new cliffs T.
Maelstrom Listening close, I count the stalking steps; The echoes seem to shake the shore beneath. I tense as thunder bathes me in its breath, Gripping grass as the wind pulls it from me. Crying mutely, I stare up at the sky, Its flank heaving as...
The Isle of Echoes
The Isle of Echoes Dreaming Horizon Eyes rolling in the sockets of the sky's skull The shore shudders, name scrawled in blood On the ocean, sapphire sepulchre Where the whispers writhe between waking and Sleeping Catholicon for convulsions of...
We Used to be Wild
We Used to be Wild I was swallowed whole by your howl. A spectre, the sun rose. I remember the tremor, midnight feathers aquiver when you found me. Yawning maw filled with wind and the sheen of your fangs. You scented past my silence, my...
Queen Calla
Queen Calla Torn at since birth, hands petting and pulling her cruelly, smothering with muck and mire. Even crowned she is spurned, plucked, pruned, and paraded. A prize on pedestal, berthed. Yet she stands, Flowering even in dearth. Her...
A Light, Love
A Light, Love Again, I haunt the halls once called "your" and "my" love. Caressing the cracks of this castle in the sky, Love. He drifted from the shore, pulled by horizon-- Dearest doctor, sentimental scientist seeking to define love. The...
Leviathan I had seen it for miles, the titan, Beautiful as scales on a dreaming snake, Sublime like the heartbeat of a Howitzer Shaking something unseen deep in the breath Of the sky and trembling heat of the earth. Hundreds, with open mouths and...