We Used to be Wild

Story by Mister Moira on SoFurry

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#3 of Poetry

A poem inspired by my best friend and our complex relationship with each other and with the world.

We Used to be Wild

I was swallowed whole

by your howl. A spectre,

the sun rose. I remember

the tremor, midnight

feathers aquiver

when you found me.

Yawning maw filled

with wind and the sheen

of your fangs. You scented

past my silence, my hollow

bones. The trees were old

friends. We dove into dew.

Flesh blooms.

Flank heaving. Breath

shatters. Warmth, startled,

flees. Feathers and falling ash.

They caged me just to save me.

I pace in front of my window,

daylight dies between the bars.

Into darkness, cover cast over.

I set my watch on

the nightstand with

my first feather, your final fang.