A Light, Love

Story by Mister Moira on SoFurry

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#1 of Poetry

A poem about a love found and lost. Inspired by my first partner and our relationship.

A Light, Love

Again, I haunt the halls once called "your" and "my" love.

Caressing the cracks of this castle in the sky, Love.

He drifted from the shore, pulled by horizon--

Dearest doctor, sentimental scientist seeking to define love.

The elephant blushed, trunk aquiver as he reached up to

The mouse frolicking between his bars and sighed, "Love?"

He stomped miles of mud to the Lotus:

No book nor blood nor bylaw should deny love.

His skin fractures as he slithers to coil around the fallen fruit.

Just this once, he will have his try, Love.

When waves writhe and thrash, he answers with firmness.

His mast sways back and forth with heaves and howls to glorify Love.

The tern shivered as the albatross leapt into the lightning,

Leaving only echoes of the cry, "Love!"

He climbed down from the castle,

Into the fray to answer the call of high love.

No one has slept here for a hundred years. I sweep the floors and

Open the windows into the night, Love.