Chapter 7 - Story Time
The night grew darker as the sparks from the fire danced with the rising smoke. Each of us had a story to tell, and one was to be the scariest, most frightening story that could possibly be imagined. These few moments before an unfortunate circumstance...
Chapter 6 - Mount Greenville
The next evening, Redd and I drove off to the mountains with Tazu and Usala sitting in the backseat. Tazu seemed to have slept in his clothes last night, but they didn't have too strong of an odor. Usala, dressed in a spider-web, green t-shirt, brought...
Chapter 5 - Nightfall
Darkness surrounded me, physically and emotionally. Whenever I tried to calm myself, I always thought about my friends, then my confrontation with Redd. Then, I would just get more depressed, and storm clouds would invade my mind, casting a dark and...
Chapter 4 - The Party
When we arrived at the white-vinyl, cookie-cutter house that night, the music was already blaring out of the smallest cracks in the windows and doors. The bass line was enough to vibrate whatever crisp liquid was left in the soda bottle we had gotten...
Chapter 3 - Graduation
* * * We exited the bus and lined up in rows alongside the other students. The teachers lined up in front of us, standing side by side, some with arms crossed in front of them, some behind their backs. I checked the weather on my phone, out of view of...
Chapter 2 - The Last Day
It was May 22, the best Friday a senior at North Farrow High School could ever experience. It was the end of school until the fall semester of college, for those applicable. Every upperclassman stared at the minute hand as the time slowly counted down...
Chapter 1 - Bloody Bricks
I tried to get my bearings as I woke on the stone-cold tiled floor. The smell of blood and bleach plagued my nose until I nearly retched. The small amount of light reaching out from under the door, and whatever night vision I had left, allowed me to...
Chapter 8 - Look on the Bright Side
The box started to hum. When I touched it, the vibrations made the fur on my hands shiver. I let it sink into the ground, and it still hummed. As always, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to dig the box up. It was covered in half a foot...
Chapter 9 - This Seems Familiar
From this point on, I can safely remember nearly every detail of what happened to us, as it was so undeniably shocking. The entrance into the vortex washed over us a gentle nurturing warmth much like when it first appeared, and as it burnt a stench of...