Buff and Fluff vs the Muscelid Menace

The red phone rang itself off the receiver. In the sky, searchlights crossed paths, forming the shape of a flexing bicep against the cloud coverage. A falcon dove in through the open window, dropping a rolled up parchment with an imperial seal on the...

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Dear love, excuse my absent minded thoughts, They mean no harm, they lack proper focus, A smattering of random blips and dots, Your image shared as pivotal locus. Grant pardon for the tumbling of phrase, Disjointed jumbled words in broken line,...


Brevity of Fire

What burned with passion's flare Has fallen to despair. Reserves of kindling drained, Its energy has waned. The lantern's final flame, One moment brief of shame, A flicker and it's out, Expunged beyond a doubt. Another drop of light,...



I'm watching you within this bush, Preparing for a quick ambush. Now did my appearance frighten, And did your rosy cheeks whiten? Since I have failed to surprise, Next time success, I should surmise. There's nothing else to do but scare,...


Art Block

Obstructions, strewn across the narrow path, Leave no alternative but going back. These obstacles, prevent a forward march, It's rugged armour without hole or crack. A barricade, inhuman guardian, Withstands the pleas of traveler's request. You...


Amber Scenery

An amber hill on sunny day, A cooling wind to guide the way. Fresh air blows through the scenery, Sends shivers through the greenery. Across the floor a yellow rug, The grass a carpet warm and snug. Adorned in splendid autumn's dress, The...



I've watched the animals at play, They have their love on full display, Compassion before simple needs, With lover critter spends the day. To frolic free of narrowed eyes, Not troubled by the whos and whys, The animals have got it right, They...



As all is all there is to give, The purpose that I live, Then giving all is all I'll do, Should giving all please you. But if all proves to lack something, Though all is everything, In vain are all my efforts made, And all begins to fade. Yet...


For These Things I Cry

For these things I make myself cry: Water falls from my eyes, Since a comforter for my soul, Distanced himself from me, And my children were all scattered When the rivals conquered. In exile I have stood long, Enduring taunts and jeers, As...



Yes, I remember vivid moments now, We talked and drank into the misty dawn, I even hear the voices as we ran By water's side on wettest summer lawn. I see the footprints as I remember. I feel the way you were, the way you would, And tried to...


Across the Divide

Above the valley of my distant plans, A barrier of gray from shifting storm. Across the canyon massive unit spans, All hope to failure raging clouds transform. So barred from success by this foggy wall, Divided by those small suspended...


A Child's Fears

Mother, there's a monster hiding underneath my bed: The tentacles snake up to try and grab my head. Claws with nasty edges scratch across the wooden floor - The grating sound signifies his intent to gore How can I sleep knowing I might not make it...
