Love's Gentle Breath

You are so stunningly beautiful. The stars of the night sky and all of their fire can not burn hotter than my love and passion for the one and only woman for me. Your breath as gentle, soft, and sweet as the petals of a rose scattered across a bed...


This hell known as Earth!

It is amazing how if you slip on the most expensive item in town people stare. The most armor Faolchú had ever had was a pauldron and that did little to nothing. Having metal armor could allow him to go on more dangerous jobs... And the more...

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This hell known as Earth!

\*GASP\* Faolchú wakes with a jarring shiver as he realizes he is still in his tree. Every night it is the same dream his friends getting murdered as he tried to rescue them... Using the word "tried" very loosely. How was he supposed to fight 15...

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This hell known as Earth!

\*BOOM\* That was the last shot out of Faolchú's side by side double barrel. He had been saving his 12 gauge for an emergency, but when 5 people advance at once it is kind of hard to hit them all with a revolver. 1 dead and 2 wounded he know the other...

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