This hell known as Earth!
My second story! This time with spacing! ;)
*GASP* Faolchú wakes with a jarring shiver as he realizes he is still in his tree.
Every night it is the same dream his friends getting murdered as he tried to rescue them... Using the word "tried" very loosely. How was he supposed to fight 15 people! He blames himself for not trying, Instead He ran like a COWARD! *Sigh* just calm down I have things to do and This will get me nowhere... I better check my snares.
Jumping down from the tree he walks to the first snare *Sigh* The first snare is empty lets pray for the second one!
Reaching the second one he is rewarded with a tired and frightened rabbit.
Quickly killing it he guts and skins it.
Taking the meat and cutting it in strips he salts and hangs it to dry.
Stretching the skin and rubbing his dwindling pile of salt on it he lets it dry as well.
Heading out to collect his cans of water he finds 3 cups of fresh water.
Picking up the cans he pours the water in his canteen he checks his meat and hide.
The meat has turned to jerky and the hide has been tanned.
wrapping majority if the meat in the hide he packs up camp and saviors the rich salty taste of his rabbit he set out for breakfast.
Preparing his map he has to go 2 and 3/4 of a mile before he reaches he reaches Gray Hills.
His option is to take the trail and risk being spotted or go through the thick woods.
The woods is safer, but slower... I have to get there alive so woods it is.
Faolchú has always liked trails better.
They provide an easy walk and open space!
The woods is slow and very claustrophobic!
Traveling through the woods is boring. Ears perking up he hears branches snapping... Instantly stopping he crouches and waits looking in the direction of the noise.
After a couple of moments of waiting a beautiful doe steps out from behind a tree.
Faolchú risking the noise pulls out his double barrel and puts the bead right behind the shoulder of the doe... A kill shot.
*BOOM* The recoil punches Faolchú in the shoulder as the deer drops like a rock!
Faolchú has to hurry before bandits arrive to investigate the noise.
He quickly guts and skins the deer placing the meat and hide in a garbage bag and putting it in his bag.
After this bandits will be swarming the woods so he has to take the trail.
Running through the trees he feels branches hit his face and tear at his shirt.
He has to keep going he can hear the voices in the distance.
breaking through the trees he Reaches the trail. He pulls out his map 1/2 a mile to go and it is high noon.
Sneaking past a watch tower with a sniper he realizes how heavy the meat is. The weight of the deer meat is tiring, but the meat will bring in a lot of slugs.
(Slugs is punched out steel that look like washers, but with the middle intact. It has taken over the currency since you can't make coins.)
Reaching town he hears the familiar noise of people, the sour smell of body odor, and the sight of old wooden walls!
He hates towns, but they serve a purpose... Trade and that is it!
Walking and Looking for a general store he locates one right in the middle of town. An old otter is behind the counter when Faolchú steps in.
Otter: Hey der youngin! Wat you got der fer me?
Faolchú: Do you take meat?
Otter: *points to a freezer hooked to a generator* You're in luck gout dat dang thang runnin yeasterday!
Faolchú: how much would you give me for a whole deer?
Otter: A WHOLE DEER? Well call me a weasel! I coud git you Probably 680 slugs!
Faolchú: how about 750? This is a young doe high quality meat and was killed just a couple of hours ago.
Otter:...okay you win 720 slugs it is!
Eating the rest of his rabbit leaves him with an empty bag left he has only the familiar weight of slugs.
Walking around town he finds a weapon smith to check and repair his shotgun, pistol, knife, and machete only costing him 25 slugs.
Now unarmed with 695 slugs he feels a little... Uncomfortable.
Ignoring that gut feeling was dumb! He is grabbed by the shoulders and pulled into an alley.
Standing back up he is confronted by three young cows.
Seeing as they are stair stepped in height and have the same features they must be brothers.
The oldest steps forward to talk, but before he can Faolchú steps forward and puts double hammerfist on each side of his jaw.
Dislocating and splitting it down the middle the oldest brothers jaw is ruined.
The second charges with a switchblade.
Faolchú side steps and grabs his wrist pulling it behind his back. Faolchú lets the knife fall into his hand as he stabs it into the cows ribs and putting a snap kick in his back throwing him to the ground.
The last brother scared and shaking pulls a 9mm before he can pull the trigger Faolchú throws the switchblade making it stick in his shoulder.
The kid drops the gun and Faolchú jumps and brings a flying round house to the cows jaw.
Striking the cow perfectly it knocks him out as he loots their bodies to find 23 slugs, a switchblade and a 9mm pistol.
Walking to the black smith he sees a suit of metal armor made of steel plate, expanded metal, and leather he has to have it!
Costing 500 slugs he instantly slams it on the table.
The black smith a very big german Shepard smiles and says... *a little excited? That took me 2 weeks to build! If you buy it comes with this (slides a long sword on the table) I made a couple of swords, but no one is buying so I have been giving them away!*
Faolchú steps out of the dressing room in a very home made metal suit complete with a sword on his back....