This hell known as Earth!
It is amazing how if you slip on the most expensive item in town people stare.
The most armor Faolchú had ever had was a pauldron and that did little to nothing.
Having metal armor could allow him to go on more dangerous jobs... And the more dangerous a job the more slugs it pays!
He still had two hours left to get his weapons and he needed something to do.
He had not talked to anybody about a job yet... I guess I could do that while I wait.
Checking his hip to see if his looted 9mm was still on his hip and the switchblade in his pocket he started towards the dark side of town.
When stepping into the dark side of town that probably had any number of guys waiting to jump him.
He unbuckles his holster and very loudly racks his pistol as he continues down the road.
A couple of minutes of walking and he realizes that the trademark on his map matched the one on a sign ahead of him.
A symbol of a fleshy creature called "Man" with a steel shield blocking fire from an elder dragon.
*The dragon fire caravan* The place where he has been working since the apocalypse happened.
Standing in front of the building with a expressionless face he continues on inside.
As soon as he opens the door a bell rings and a petite owl is behind the counter with two 44/40 revolvers putted at him.
Owl: You are who?
Faolchú: *Pulls up paper with an assignment on it*
Owl: Oh... Well... This is now embarrassing!
Faolchú: You mind lowering those before you put two holes in my chest?
Owl: O! My bad... Habit! We have been robbed twice in the last week so you can never be to sure.
Faolchú: If it is so dangerous on the dark side of town why have your shop here?
Owl: The city does not like our code which is break our rules we take your life! So we can only be on the outskirts of town... It is okay though! I mean I don't have to go into the wasteland like you!
Faolchú: At least I don't have to stand behind a counter like you.
Owl: (blushing) O... Sorry if that offended you...
Faolchú: Your fine... Could you please give me my package now?
Owl: (smiling) Certainly! *Slides black box across counter*
Faolchú: Thank you. Do I have to say the rule and sign my name?
Owl: Always! If you please repeat after me... *I swear to never open this package whatever may be, because if I do may death follow me*
Faolchú: *I swear to never open this package whatever may be, because if I do may death follow me*
Owl: sign here! *hands him a paper*
Faolchú: *writes signature*
Owl: THANK YOU! We hope to see you again and if we don't we will hunt you down!
Faolchú: *turning towards door*
Owl: Wait! When you get back into town would you like to... Uh... I don't know... Maybe see each other... Or maybe get something to eat?
Faolchú: *turns around and walks to the counter* here hold out your hand.
Owl: *Holds out hand*
Faolchu: *drops three 44/40 rounds in her hand*
Owl: Um... Why?
Faolchú: you are going to need them it is dangerous... Take care. *walks out door*
Owl: *The door shuts* he was cute... Maybe I am not! *slides down wall* I will never find anybody!
Really Faolchú? REALLY? You give her rounds!
Yeah that was a smooth move!
I was never good with the girls. *Facepaw* take care... Who says that!
Stopping at a diner to get something to eat he notices a group of combat clad huskies.
Watching them closely he sees that one is a sniper, three are grunts with assault rifles, and one has a B.A.R with bandoliers of rounds.
Finishing his diner quality raw steak he continues outside towards the weapon smith.
As he reaches the weapon smith the large German Shepard turns and hands him his weaponry which he quickly straps on.
Feeling the comfortable weight of his weapons he continues towards the inn to stay one more night before heading out.
Reaching the inn he pays 5 slugs for a room and continues upstairs.
Reaching his room he pushes on the ground looking for loose boards.
Upon finding one he takes his bag of slugs and places them under the board.
Except three which he places in his pocket.
Going downstairs more people rush in as darkness settles.
Faolchú sits at the bar as he orders a drink.
Throwing his slug on the table he tilts the drink back consuming half of the glass.
Just relaxing he sees the combat clad huskies come in with a ruckus wearing their fatigues instead of their armor.
Noticing people avoiding them and not saying anything towards them he guesses that they are shunned.
Faolchú: barkeep!
Barkeep: yes?
Faolchú: Those huskies... Who are they?
Barkeep: They used to protect this town until the power went to their heads. They started taking what they wanted and pushing people around! We can't fight them they are to tough for us...
Faolchú: okay... Thank you! Here have this *Hands him a slug*
The huskies talking completely ignore the wolf moving tables and chairs around to make a huge empty space.
As the B.A.R carrying huskies starts to talk he feels a claw tap his shoulder.
Turning he looks down at a 6' 3" wolf.
Big husky: WHAT?
Faolchú: I bet you one slug I can bet you in a fight...
Big husky: YOU!?!? HAHA! *Slams slug down on a counter* DEAL!
Standing apart from each other Faolchú takes his pistol and metal armor off leaving him unarmed with leather body wear.
The husky raising his fist in a boxers stance starts to walk around the wolf standing still with his hands by his side.
The husky charges and swings a heavy hay maker as Faolchú side steps and knife hands the inside of the huskies arm.
The husky howling in pain with a numb arm swings with his left.
Faolchú falls to his knees as he places his left palm on the right side on the huskies right leg he punches with his right hand into the side of his knee.
Breaking the knee and dislocating the kneecap the husky falls on his knees as Faolchú stands and puts an elbow in the top skull of the husky.
Caving in his head killing the husky Faolchú turns to the other huskies and asks?
Any one else?
The huskies all ran toward him at the same time until a loud *CRACK* is heard!
One husky falls with a hole in his head as the other three are left standing.
Turning and running out the door the huskies whimper in fear.
Faolchú turning to see a petite owl behind him with a smoking revolver she says... Funny these bullets helped you!
Grabbing his slug from the counter and the huskies he walks upstairs to his rented room.
Checking his pistols and shotgun to make sure they are loaded he lies down and closes his eyes...