Star Trek: Warrior - Book Two - "Atlantis"

File #1 "Alex, you've really annoyed them this time..." Captain Alexander Greyfell stared into the ominous black liquid of his coffee cup, not wanting to look up at his First Officer, across the ready room table. A Worker Bee flew past the...

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File #17

File #17 Captains Log; Stardate: 181202.12 Lieutenant Commander Muraco, Yusa and myself have managed to establish contact with the Warrior after we disabled the Particle Synthesis Generator, which was creating a heavy gravitational field...

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

File #1 - "Legacy" "Captain Raymond Nicholson, U.S.S. Warrior, Reporting..." "We have completed our first test of the U.S.S. Warrior's black project... The ship performed admirably... I only wish I could say the same for her crew. Starfleet...

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File #16

File #16 Muraco pulled his Captain from the pod on the wall, while finding what looked like the manual release. However his brain was hurting. He was told that his former commanding officer had been dead and the Warrior had been here nine years? ...

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File #15

File #15 The underground passage seemed to continue on forever as Muraco and Yusa continued cautiously down it, with just a small flashlight to continue illuminating the way forward. Yusa's tricorder was utterly failing to navigate and map the wide...

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File #14

File #14 This spire was driving Muraco mad. He had spent what seemed like hours trying to hook it up to the Communications module from the Pythagoras and had no success at all. He had done this procedure of replacing a transceiver so many times...

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File #13

File #13 The shuttle was cramped as both Yusa and Muraco flew over the landscape, the lush green rolling hills coming into view out of the shuttle's windows. The sun was rapidly setting on this planet, creating a red aura in the sky that reminded Yusa...

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File #12

File #12 There was a loud knock at Yusa's door. "What now..?" thought Yusa as he went to investigate. He had already spent a day completely lost in confusion about what he was doing in this new world and the constant distractions were not...

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File #11

File #11 After some time to think Muraco returned back to his home, originally not being able to find it after being unfamiliar with the environment of the settlement. He had so much going through his mind and his inability to remember the last...

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File #10

File #10 Muraco had not had an easy day. Doctor Kylen Tao had come over to his home and given him a complete examination, much to the concern of his clearly devoted wife. Doctor Tao's frown lines had indicated that quite a bit of time had passed...

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File #9

File #9 Muraco awoke in an unfamiliar place. He sat bolt upright, his eyes trying to adjust to low light levels of the room around him. "Where am I?" he thought to himself, trying to quiet his racing heart. There was a cool breeze coming...

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Chapter Six

Chapter Six A car pulled up in the abandoned car-park just outside the south-west docks of Crystal Lake. These docks had been hardly used since the invention of shuttle however now they were used mostly for private boats of the most privileged in...

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