File #17

Story by Diamond Greyfell on SoFurry

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#17 of Star Trek: Warrior - Atlantis

The Adventures of the U.S.S. Warrior

File #17

Captains Log;

Stardate: 181202.12

Lieutenant Commander Muraco, Yusa and myself have managed to establish contact with the Warrior after we disabled the Particle Synthesis Generator, which was creating a heavy gravitational field pulling the Warrior down into the atmosphere. As a result, the Warrior has returned to standard orbit and there is no sign of Romulans, meaning they think we have been destroyed.

Commander Kakriko believes that we can engage the Generator again safely from orbit as my direct concern now would be prevent this technology from being discovered by the Romulans, as it could provide further instabilities in the region.

We now know that the Atlantis was tragically destroyed and the signal that brought us here was the emergency distress beacon that had survived impacting on the planet below.

I have been notably shaken by the events of the previous few days, as has Lieutenant Commander Muraco who has asked for a leave of absence when we return to Starbase 248 in a few days.

Doctor Kylen Tao has examined the body of "another" Alexander Greyfell currently in the morgue and myself. He informs me that he can not find any differences, even at the genetic level.

Still I find myself disturbed and wondering, am I an imposter, living another man's life?

The Warrior was currently at warp back to Starbase 248 as Captain Alexander Greyfell ordered himself a cup of coffee from the replicator. He glanced over at the status reports, a small mound of PADDs on his desk but he just could not bring himself to read them.

Even though he knew this ship, knew the people on it... somehow, things felt different for him.

Counselor Mewsin had assured him that these feelings would pass and even to medical science, he was the real Alexander Greyfell but who was that other guy in the morgue? How could there be two of them?

He sighed and sipped a little coffee from his standard issue Starfleet mug. He grimaced his face up. There was something not right about this coffee, it was way too sweet for him.

"Computer..." he asked, putting the mug back in the replicator. "Has my regular coffee recipe been changed recently?"

"Negative", the computer chimed with the same standard female voice that all Federation ships had. Greyfell had always wondered who the voice of the computer had been, maybe she had been the wife of one of the original designers?

This answer brought him no comfort. He had hoped that maybe he crew was playing a prank on him as they sometimes did, he had always supported a more harmless jovial attitude onboard the Warrior.

But... it was not the coffee that had changed...

The doorbell for his ready room went and brought him back down to reality. He walked back over to his desk.

"Enter..." he barked, quickly glancing over the status reports just to make himself look busy.

He looked up and was greeted by the familiar face of his dependable First Officer. He could tell that Commander Tempest had not been remotely phased by the sudden revelation of two versions of Alexander Greyfell at all, infact Alexander could tell that he was used to these kind of oddities.

"What is it Shon?" he asked, stilling looking down at the status reports and marking them off for approvals on the repair schedule that Muraco had given him earlier.

"Captain..." replied Shon with a nod, his narrow muzzle arcing downwards as he always did before he was about to get serious. "I thought you may like to know that Commander Kakriko has finished his analysis of the Iaidon Computer we encountered on Eranus III."

"I see..." replied Alexander, putting down and pad and giving his First Officer his full attention. "And...?" he gestured to the chair in front of his desk and quickly added. "Have a seat..."

Commander Tempest sat down and looked over at his Captain, since main power had been restored he had the opportunity to finally take a shower and repairs to the ship itself were well underway. "We now know how Iaidon was able to duplicate you..."

Alexander grimaced a bit. He really was not sure if he wanted to hear this or not but this mystery had been the final piece of the puzzle and he wanted to make sure that he had it all straight in his head to prove to Starfleet that he was the same person. "Go on..." he nodded.

"It seems that he harnessed your DNA profile from the ship's computer and then used particle synthesis to create an exact version of you." Shon choose his words carefully, he wanted to avoid saying words like duplicate or copy to avoid hurting the feelings of his commanding officer. In a way, he was just glad to have him back at all.

"So... I'm a copy then? A clone..." Alexander had braced himself for the news and suspected it himself but he refused to accept it.

"Technically not a clone." replied Shon with precision and diligence. "As the Doctor has confirmed, there is no difference between you and the original Alexander Greyfell. You are an exact match."

Alexander did not feel exact. He felt as if he was a lame imitation, a copy of the original who had assumed the identity and duty of a dead man. Shon held out his arm to give Captain Greyfell a PADD that he had been holding.

"I just received this from Starbase 248."

Captain Greyfell took it and glanced over it with his eyes, Commander Tempest had by now provided a full report back to Starfleet and they communicated back their response.

"To Captain Alexander Greyfell,

As per the report provided by Commander Shon Tempest, charges of insubordination, dereliction of duty and violation of the Treaty of Algeron have been dropped on the grounds that the person who committed those crimes are now deceased.

As a result, command of the U.S.S. Warrior will remain with Alexander Greyfrel (II) until further notice. The U.S.S. Warrior is hereby ordered to report to Commander Andre Quinteros at Federation Station; Deep Space Three for assignment.

Fleet Admiral Alynna Nechayev

Starfleet Command"

"Well now..." replied Captain Greyfell, dropping the pad on the table with a sigh. "This worked out pretty well for Command. Now they can sweep the whole diplomatic incident with the Romulans under the rug and tell them that I'm dead."

"I thought so as well..." replied Shon, shaking his head with the same disapproval. "What do you know about Deep Space Three, Alex..."

"It's a crappy little station where they send troublesome starship crews off to retire..."

Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

File #1 - "Legacy" "Captain Raymond Nicholson, U.S.S. Warrior, Reporting..." "We have completed our first test of the U.S.S. Warrior's black project... The ship performed admirably... I only wish I could say the same for her crew. Starfleet...

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File #16

File #16 Muraco pulled his Captain from the pod on the wall, while finding what looked like the manual release. However his brain was hurting. He was told that his former commanding officer had been dead and the Warrior had been here nine years? ...

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File #15

File #15 The underground passage seemed to continue on forever as Muraco and Yusa continued cautiously down it, with just a small flashlight to continue illuminating the way forward. Yusa's tricorder was utterly failing to navigate and map the wide...

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