Red Skies: Part 2
"Ugh" a noise broke the silence of the pitch black night. "Don't push yourself, I know you recover fast but now is not the time" rushed a voice, soft and...
Red Skies: Part 1
Red picked up his journal holding all of his valuable information within it and stowed it away safely inside his pack. "Rise and shine!" Red exclaimed to the sleeping bag right to him. A moan came back at him soon enough words started to become...
Prelude: Red Skies
Me, I am just another guy trying to live in this wasteland we call home. I mean it's not like I'm much different from you or other people. I'm just a bit furry, and I live in a nuclear holocaust. You see, I am a genetic mutation of a spliced...
Runewolf: Part 2
The ground shook with a bang and a hiss as the vehicle flipped across the desert. The rolling seemed to last hours to Kale, draining him of his thought. The roll came to a halt and Kale, reassembled. His eyes laid upon Kira and her on his. He was on...
Runewolf: Part 1
Runewolf: Chapter 1 The sun was harsh and was melting away the desert sand by the hour. The land was hot and void of air, and the fields were of sand and wind. There were no signs of life,...
Runewolf: prelude
Far away, in a vast pocket of galaxy that most would ignore, there lived a planet, nestled quietly in orbit. This planet I speak of is called Xenoth, there lives many signs of life. The most notable were the 5 intelligent races of Xenoth. Of...