Regaining Lost Honor: Part 1
Silence fiilled the mind of a young swordsman jackal named Anubeus Benedictus. It had been a month sence his father was killed by three of Lord Natsu's boudyguards, who were in a drunken state. Anubeus wanted closer and revenge. Anubeus recalled the...
Regaining Lost Honor: part 2
Lila sat out side watching the sunrise. From what the wolf could tell it was nearly, or had just past, 6 a.m. She knew her cousin Anubeus was coming to her village, so she wanted it to be nice for the swordsman jackal. Lycopolis was a village where...
The Ronin Saint: Chapter One:
**1: A Brother Goes Missing; One Goes Searching** A think fog covered the land, like a blanket. The only sound: rain hitting the ground and the houses of Enyo. The houses were made of bricks and mud bricks, so the houses were red and tan. At one of...
The Jackal and the Rabbit: A Love Story
_(This is a translation of a story I did for my fourth year Spanish class)_ Silencely, an anthroporphic jackal with black fur and blond hair watched the necropolis of La Ciudad de Chacales [The City of Jackals]. This jackal's name was...
Saints of the Night
_This story is deditcated to my cousin, Marine Private Kyle Ferin, and all service men and women. Thank you to those who guard our way of life and our freedoms._ **U.S.-México Wall, Arizona; Monday, Febuary 22, 2020 \>2130 Hours, UTC-07:00,...
Haiku Español con traducción; Spainish haiku with translation
**El Haiku Español:** Esta noche en / el bosque del corazón / espero por ti. **The Translation:** Tonight in / the forest of the heart / I wait for you. If you like these, send me a message and tell me what you'd like me to write a poem...