
Well I know I haven't been online in months and I have my computer monitored but I handled it. Im trying to get my next part done but I never get a chancce to work on it anymore so..yeah..I'll do my best for you guys and thanks to everyone who...

Life's Pains (part 4)

Hey guys sorry for the huge delay to this next part. My life is kind of busy right now but I started working on it last night and finished it just now so here it is and I hope you guys enjoy it. I woke...

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Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse part 2

We all jumped back as the first 20 zombies slammed into the door. We could tell it wasn't going to hold very long. The zombies continued to claw at the door with relentless determination (or bloodlust). We were startled when the door bent a little and...


Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse (part 1)

After our major hug-fest following the very close escape of a zombie horde, which was still crowding around the bottom of the ladder leading up to the platform we were on, we all decided to spend the day there as we had plenty of supplies to last us...

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Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I found two guys that recently started a youtube channel. I think they're hilarious but if you want to check them out you can type in ScreenComedyTV. They only have one video so far but they said they're going...

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Life's Pains (part 7)

Well I finally got this done. Hope you guys had a great christmas and hope you enjoy. As I drove down the road in John's SUV, I felt this sense of exhilaration course through me. We had just raided my...

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Life's Pains (part 5)

Author's Note: Jeez I am so sorry for the delays. Every time I started to work on this I had to get off. Well hope you guys can forgive me but here's the next part. Also I'm going to be limiting this to about 10 parts in preparation for a new series...

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Life's Pains (part 6)

Me and John headed to my parent's house in total silence. I guess it was the tension of what was going to happen catching up to us. As we got closer and closer to the house I noticed the sun was setting. I smiled. Now it would be a lot easier...

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Life's Pains (Intro)

Hey this is just an intro telling you guys what I look like but anyway I'm a male wolf standing at 5'10. My fur is mostly black wiith pure white paws and feet. My tail is black but turns white 4 inches from the tip. I have a red stripe starting up and...

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Life's Pains (part 1)

My day started like any other, with me waking up to my alarm clock blaring like a jackhammer in my ears. I groaned as I reached over and shut off the alarm. I lay there for a moment before finally forcing myself to get up and put on a shirt and...

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Zombie Apoc-fur-lypse

_Many things have happened since the events of Life's Pains and my life has become a lot more complicated. First things first my name is no longer Alpha as I have changed it to Dalavin. I also got my cast taken off and the third thing is so exciting I...

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