Life's Pains (part 1)

Story by Alpha Redshon on SoFurry

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My day started like any other, with me waking up to my alarm clock blaring like a jackhammer in my ears. I groaned as I reached over and shut off the alarm. I lay there for a moment before finally forcing myself to get up and put on a shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked downstairs where my mom was making breakfast. We said good morning to each other and I sat down to wait. We had a breakfast of eggs and buttered toast while we discussed our plans for the day. I finished first and went upstairs to brush my teeth. I went back down and grabbed my stuff and said, "I'm leaving guys!" "ok have fun honey," my mom replied. I walked out the door and began to walk to the bus stop.

By the time I got there, everyone I wait with was already there, including John, whom is a fox standing at 5'10, like me. He looks exactly like a regular fox, orange fur and all. The only difference is that the pointed oval-shaped patch of fur is half-black, half-orange. He is also irresistibly cute! John and I were the only ones at the stop wearing t-shirts and shorts. The humans gave us a few weird looks but said nothing. For some reason we were the only stop for our bus. So once it picked us up, we went straight to the school without picking anyone else up.

The bus finally arrived and we all boarded. Me and John sat in the front and the humans sat all the way in the back. After a few minutes of silence I looked over and saw worry and confusion in his eyes. "Is everything all right?" I asked him. He looked over at me startled, the worry and confusion fading from his eyes. "Yeah yeah everything's fine." I reluctantly decided not to pursue it further, knowing he would tell me in his own time. I was proven right as he turned and said "Alpha?" I looked over at him, "hmm?" "I actually do have something to tell you, but you can't tell anyone." "I would never do that John, you know that." At this he gave me one of those irresistibly cute fox grins and said, "I know you wouldn't."

He moved closer to me until our hips were touching and I could feel his breath on my neck, which made me hard but thankfully he didn't notice. He leaned over until his muzzle was right next to my ear and whispered, "I'm Gay," and gave me a little peck on the cheek. My eyes widened a bit and he must have noticed, because he scooted back over to his side, embarrassed. "Sorry I didn't mean to creep you out man. I smiled as I slid over to him and whispered, "To be honest, I kinda like you a lot." It came out awkwardly and without thinking. I looked down and blushed so hard that it could be seen through my black fur. And it turned the claw marks on my cheeks bright red, which is one way to tell if I'm blushing. I mean they're already red but they're more of a darker red than anything. He seemed to regain his confidence at what I told him and he put his hand on my chin and brought my face up to look him straight in the eyes. He smiled and said softly, "So do I," and kissed me.