Life's Pains (part 7)
Well I finally got this done. Hope you guys had a great christmas and hope you enjoy.
As I drove down the road in John's SUV, I felt this sense of exhilaration course through me. We had just raided my parent's house and took every gun he owned. Including all the extra equipment he had, except for his shotgun of course, but that would hardly matter. As I started to drive to John's house, the problem arose as to what we were going to do with everything in the back. "We can't take it all in the house." John said worriedly. "That's fine." I replied confidently."We'll figure something out." I looked over and smiled reassuringly. I looked back at the road and saw we were at John's house. I looked over at him again. "What are we going to tell your parents?" Now it was my turn to sound worried.
John looked over at me with a determined light in his eyes and said, "The truth." Was all he said. With that, John got out of the van and grabbed my wheelchair, rolling it around and opening the door for me. At that moment I realized that I had raided my parent's house while walking/running on my cast, which the nurse specifically told me not to do......oops. John grabbed me under my shoulders and I used my good leg to help him lift me into my wheelchair. Once seated comfortably, John rolled me up to the front door. He rang the doorbell as I looked at my watch. It read 9:35.
"Good." I thought. At least it hadn't been as late as I thought it was. I looked up and started in surprise when instead of a door, I saw John's parents standing there. I realized John had addressed me already and I reacted quickly, "Hi Mr. and Mrs.Lockheart." I said politely. "Hi Alpha dear. Why don't you come on in?" Mrs.Lockheart said, as she opened the door wider so my wheelchair could fit. Once inside John helped me sit on a couch near the air conditioning. I was really hot and sweaty so it felt amazing. John sat beside me as his parents sat on a couch that was parallel to us. "So what happened Alpha?" Mr.Lockheart said, leaning forward questioningly.
I hesitated, "Well I shot by my teacher first." They started in surprise when I said that. I decided to keep going. "After that, I woke up in the hospital. Then my dad beat the hell out of me." Mrs.Lockheart's eyes widened in shock at this. My dad had always seemed like a nice guy. He never gave off the impression that he would beat his own son for any reason. I leaned back as Mr.Lockheart recovered first, "So uh....what did he beat you for?" Me and John looked at each other. John's eyes showed the fear he felt. In that few seconds when we glanced at each other, a sort of understanding passed between us. We had known each other since we were 4 and we knew each other better than anyone else, and yes that includes his own parents because as most of you know, parents don't always know their teenage children as well as they think.
"Well uh...." This was going to be harder than I thought. John's parents decided to both lean forward, which made it no easier. I saw their fox eyes staring at me, and I shifted uncomfortably. "Well I'" The words slipped out of my muzzle before I could think of something better to say. John took hold of my paw, "And so am I." I had to admit it wasn't the best way to come out to his parents but what else could we do?
So we all shared an akward silence while Mr. Lockheart's face turned almost completely red. He looked away from us, like he couldn't bear the sight of us anymore, "I'm not like your father Alpha." I felt a surge of hope and relief which was destroyed when he looked back up to me with controlled anger in his eyes. "You guys have 30 minutes to pack up anything you guys will take with you from John's room". My hope was slowly turning to fear as I heard these words. "Starting now." Mr. Lockheart had a hard light in his eyes as he said those last words. "But dad-." John started to say something but was cut off by his dad, "No John. You made your choice, and I will not be letting a faggot live in this house." I almost flinched when he said the word "faggot" He said this last line so calmly that I wondered if he even cared about his son anymore. I looked at John helplessly and he shrugged. So with difficulty I got up out of my chair and took the crutches that John offered me. His parents watched us as he helped me get up the stairs.
We got up to John's room eventually and started packing in silence. We worked as fast as we could and by the time we were done, we only had 5 minutes left. So John grabbed his bags and rushed downstairs as fast as we could with my crutches. Mr. Lockheart noticed us coming down and we looked at our watches at the same time. 2 minutes left on the clock. I went over and sat down in my chair and laid my crutches across my lap. John was about to try and help me but I waved him off. He walked over to the door as I rolled after him. I looked at my watch again. There were only 56 seconds left!! So I hurried up and straightened out my crutches to fit through the door. I had no idea how time could go that fast but I couldn't think about it right now. We got over to John's van in the space of a few seconds and I stood up and quickly folded my wheelchair and put it in the back. I heard thunder rumble somewhere and wind was starting to blow. It was like one of those times where it was like a thunder storm, only without the rain and lightning. The sky quickly grew darker than it had been before as we tried to shift all the guns and boxes in the back around. Only 10 seconds later but what seemed like an eternity, we finally had everything packed into the back. I shoved the crutches in and slammed the trunk closed. The wind had really started to blow by that point, and wind was blowing through my fur, whipping it around
I used the van as support to walk akwardly over to the driver's side while John was already getting in the passenger's seat. I looked at my watch again. 10 seconds left!! I got in the driver's seat and slammed the door and tried to jam the keys into the ignition like I had at my dad's house, but no such luck. They dropped to the floor but I located them easily. I took my time the second time around. I put the keys in the ignition and looked at John. He was sweating with shock at what was happening. In the background I saw his dad, but there was something wrong. I noticed with shock that there was a machete in his paw. I yelled out, "OH SHIT!" and stepped on it. As we screamed off down the road, I saw Mr. Lockheart in my rear view mirror, standing in the road with the machete in his paw, staring after us.