A lone wuff

I sit here naked and alone No one to love or hold Nobody to grab on to while I grow old Destined to be alone a wolf without a pack What skills do I lack? Who has my back? I try and fail lifes like a jail Cold and unforgiving How am I to go on...


What have I done?

What have I done to deserve such a bad run? I try and exist with peace and love and all I get is pushed and shoved. To the side by the one I loved. What is it like to exist with love for one when in return you get none? I don't know what to do....



## Memories February 13, 2010 at 8:43am You know what is worse than the memories It's finding pictures of you every wall On my computer and on my phone And how I want to just toss them all! But, I just can't seem to let you go today Maybe...

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Like a fog

Like A Fog In the dark, forgotten street Where time, like a fog, curls 'round one's feet And the slow hum of people begins to fade I present to myself my own accolade Most likely to pray to the stars above Most likely to never find one's true...

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