
Story by Adagatiya Waya on SoFurry

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#2 of Poems

Trying to get the darkness out of my soul.


February 13, 2010 at 8:43am

You know what is worse than the memories

It's finding pictures of you every wall

On my computer and on my phone

And how I want to just toss them all!

But, I just can't seem to let you go today

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next

Maybe next week or month at best

Then there is that knocking on my heart and I don't want to answer

Saying that I'll never get over you...ever

I have to deny my heart that possibility

Because, it's just to much for my bandaged heart

It may cause immobility

I want to love again well...I think

But, I don't know who I can trust

They may be gone in just one blink

Or they could keep my love for so long

It's like the Titanic when it sinks

It still lies at the bottom of the ocean

As do you at the bottom of my emotions

But, my mind keeps digging

It wants to know what happened

Slowly and painfully it makes it all the present

It don't let it fade away

It won't let me let it go

I guess I'll take it to the grave

Knowing my heart will never stand brave

Knowing my heart will never take risks

Thinking love simply doesn't exist

And who is to say that it's wrong

Wanting to be loved for so long?

Like a fog

Like A Fog In the dark, forgotten street Where time, like a fog, curls 'round one's feet And the slow hum of people begins to fade I present to myself my own accolade Most likely to pray to the stars above Most likely to never find one's true...

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My Bitch (wip)

"It was going to be a great con" I said to no one in particular as I toss the last bag into my car. One last thing to do I look at my phone and text Liyoht a friend I have been talking to for a while now. He is a furry like myself a beautiful White...

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