My New Best Friend Chapter 6: A Dirty Fight and a Sweet Embrace

He looked at the water type with compassionate eyes. he had never thought he could be a match against prinplup...but prinplup clearly did. "does prinplup think i'm strong? no... it cant be!

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Rebirth ch26

I looked over to the kids and the water type pokemon and could see that it was indeed true. both the younger boys and girls dressed in green were slumped down on the ground and the water types looked just as exhausted.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch75

"sorry about his kit, but i really would like you to get in some experience battling against water types."

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Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!

Inside manaphy's stomach, a emolga sits there, waiting for his death, being digested by a water type legendary pokemon.

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Rebirth ch4

It was on all fours firing off electric attack after electric attack at it's opponent. ‘i hope that whoever is facing off against that raichu isn't a water type.'

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Part 1 His name is Dash!

"the only water type attacks it can learn are aqua jet and in some cases bubble beam." sune became silent and looked ashamed. "wow! you know a lot about pokemon attacks!" cory said.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 4

The water type trainers where needed at the other end of the building, where pokemon that where in intensive care are located. those pokemon are in no condition to be move.

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Two Hearts, One Love (Pokemon): Part 1 - A Tormented Beauty

But as a familiar figure popped up from behind the water type, it all became clear. "ray!! right on time my friend! i could kiss you!!" benjay blurted out his happiness, or his relief not having to battle a strong water type opponent.

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Journey to another wold ch17

"she goes on to say that it would be a good friend to have and if you are to go into other battles then you would need a water type to balance us out."

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Bui's New Slave

Deep in the watery world beneath, none of the water types noticed save one. a buizel saw the jolteon dipping his head into the water and a sly smile spread across his muzzle, his whiskers twitching mischievously.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch74

'kit needs the most time to become accustom to battling a water type, so i'll have to spend more time on working with her. as far as undine, her attacks are going to be evenly matched to wake's water types.'

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