The Downward Spiral

Isaac let out a sigh. He was tired. He pushed the front doors open and stepped outside, letting the metal and glass crash behind him as he meandered away from the school's lobby. He faced a pleasantly quiet world, the bustling of cheery life ready...

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Spiral Nebula - Prologue

With the sirens blaring out of tune, the acting captain had to scream to ensure his orders were heard. "Move this ship around the damn star!" Filled with tens of thousands refugees, the massive ship lacked combat equipment despite being composed of...

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Spiral Nebula - Epilogue

All around her lay the infected dead, illuminated brightly by the ship's light. Her heart beat rapidly while she watched the last infected solider fall to the ground not half a meter from her. She even recognized some of the soldiers as the crew from...

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Spotlights and spiral eyes

the spirals were the only thing left in his range of vision and there was no way he could escape them. they kept him trapped with their beautiful magnetism; just as trapped as the coils tightening around his body.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seven

Fire blossomed against the dark veil of stars while the destroyer exchanged fire with another capital ship. Both unleashed volley after volley of projectiles at each other in a classic shootout, but the favor easily went to the destroyer. The other...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Five

Breathing slowly, Jun strained his eyes to see what was in front of him. With the emergency lights having lost source of energy as well, the marten had to place his paw on the tunnel wall to guide him through the pitch darkness. _I hope Tang hasn't...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter One

All around the room behind thick glass panes were a dozen heavily armed guards, their armored visors revealing no expression. Inside the locked room, a marten inspected a few seeds under a microscope, with locked cases of more seeds surrounding him....

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 21

"You don't want to go anywhere near that planet now," Velsh'nark objected, once again on the bridge with Captain Redding and Commander Yelena. The alien's fur was cleaned and straightened out again; a much bigger improvement than how he looked after...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 20

_Assassin!_ Chaos broke over its levies and flooded the bridge but Fury focused on Yukiomaru the moment he staggered back. With his eyes wide, Yukiomaru clutched his chest just before his legs buckled and he collapsed to the ground,...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Two

The sun would set in a few hours but the springhare wouldn't be on the planet to see the sun set. In the pilot's seat of an Immunity-class single fighter, Nishant fiddled with the controls and navigation systems as he prepared to take off. "Pilot...

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A hero's spiral, part 1

Captain Light - Pierre Morales, gray wolf Miss Purity - Crystal Knight, white wolf Dark Corruption - Derrick Holland, black wolf Darkness, it was a swirling vortex that continued to threaten to swallow here every moment as time had lost all its...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 13

Across the shallow river, three armed soldiers in high tech exoskeleton were patrolling the dropship. All around it was clear, with no cover and well lit by the sunlight. It was a very defensible landing zone, and heavily guarded. Yuri, pressed flat...

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