Chapter 3: Expect the Unexpected

**Expect the Unexpected** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's Player After the initial exhilaration of the first history-making flight, Felix soon settled into a routine: fly the day's mission, review the logs, and tune the ship for the next flight. Of the...

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Chapter 4: Where no Mortal Has Gone

**Where no Mortal has Gone** Copyright (c) FarmWolf's player _I never thought I would ever be furclad in space_, Felix said to himself, then amended, _I never thought I'd be furclad while actually floating in the void_. As he floated, he recalled...

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Tiberi's Starfox Timeline

Because of her reputation in cfa and as an arspace dynamics test pilot, many combat pilots fear encountering her in the sky and in space.

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Chapter 1: Record Breaker

"it was the least i could do for my favorite test pilot." felix lit a fire in the hearth and they removed their uniforms and sat down to eat.

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Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 9 of 12

"well, well: test pilot, daughter of a shipbuilding tycoon, and ears from here to sector z." his beak switched to all-smirk mode. "you must be regrettin' the wild blue yonder now, eh foxy?" "eh, not really."

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D.E1 Chapter 19: The Planet

"as test pilots this will be a great opportunity to further test the capabilities of your ships. however, you will need to be extremely cautious.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 35

Falco had been standing on the other side of the fighter, "it's a great machine and apparently i was the first test pilot in the future." fox smirked at his old friend, "maybe, but you have a kid you'll want to be around for."


The Long Haul - Chapter 1

#1 of the long haul remauld du'bois, a run of the mill test pilot, get suckered into the harlequin project. a secret construction that's been generations in the making.

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Open House Day One

The other test pilots and i are having lunch outside.\* i was at the bounty hunter guild's open house. it turned out rykuu was a freehunter, a bounty hunter bound by only loose regulations.


The Home Front

"little bit more than just a test pilot." "you're asking me to be more. or the circumstances are..." another nod. the lion pulled a sealed box from his satchel, holding it out for her to take. "i'm asking.

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D.E1 Chapter 20: The Planet II

I need your test pilots to do one more thing before returning." "i hear you, captain." "i need them to do low altitude flights near the coordinates i will send you. my scientists have finally detected a faint energy signal." this was a surprise.

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D.E1 Chapter 5: Retcans: A noble alien race

I need your team of test pilots to get acquainted with the real wolf500 fighters first. my scientist team still needs to verify some details about this mineral source.

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