Late Pleistocene

I wrote this story as part of danaume's story contest the theme was culture clash. initially i wanted to write something about a kid moving to a new town, but then i realized... i could make something about a kid moving to a new time!

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Waterfall (100 words)

_i wrote this very short story for [this one hundred word story contest]( by paintfox. happy foxtober!_ we stood atop the thundering waterfall, looking down to the diving pool far below.

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White Nights

My entry to the summer adventures story contest for 2014, weighing in at a dozen words less than the 2000 word cap. like the russian authors i love, i could go longer.

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A Wintertime Warning

A quick story for the 2012 wintertime story contest. i don't know if i made the deadline, but it was fun to write either way. the two characters are based on friends of mine who gave me just a little too much grief on a recent podcast.

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Making Tracks (edited version)

This won 2nd place, though thanks to several fire alarms going off that saturday there were at least two entries that simply didn't get finished in time, which would've made it a five-story contest. i noticed the footprint the other day.

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Diverging Roads

Also tagged for the story contest, since this is exactly the time of the year when something like this would happen.

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Paul dans le métro

A story in french for the wtfur story contest la station du métro dans laquelle il attendait était vaste, plus vaste que n'importe quel endroit il avait déjà visité dans le passé.

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Blood-Bond Ch7 (conclusion)

After this i'm planning on entering the story contest, that story will probly come out highly detailed, too!

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Summer Holiday with Rai and Kuro

My entry for the official sofurry story contest #17. the story focuses on a tiger named rai and a wolf named kuro, how they met and spent the summer together.

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The Start of Something

This will be my other entry for the summer adventures short story contest :3 i worked hard on this one, be sure to rate and comment as always :3 enjoy :3 sometimes relationships can start from the most unlikely situations.

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Jeremy 020; Jump The Rings And Hoops

Anyway, i may have another story contest later on in the story. next week i'll get back to making comments on the background of the story. the past few weeks have been spent getting ready for a road trip to oregon on monday.


Coming Home

Just another short story i made :3 one of my two possibly three submissions for the summeradventure short story contest :3 once again thoughts and opinions are always welcome :3 hope you enjoy it :3 the airport was bustling with activity.

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