The Social Standing of Soulless

We learn rapidly, but only with the help of a soul gem filled with the knowledge we want to learn, and only for as long as we continue wearing that gem. learning without a soul gem feels irritatingly slow in comparison.


Oblivion RP entry.

She handed lilith a small, light blue soul gem, and a ring. lilith took the stone and ring in her hands, ready to give it her best shot. "oh, one more thing before you start," jeanne interrupted.

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Chapter 20

At it's peak a wind soul gem shined brighter than all the others as the horn of wind scar shook the ground and the air around it. wind scar the legendary flying city of wind dragons floated before them in all of it's glory!

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Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song

Eleven black soul gems! "what do you mean i'm wanted for twenty murders in winterhold?!" nine pointless quests, eight points overburdened, seven bottles of skooma, six friendly fire bolts, five summoned scamps!

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Oak in Grey Hollow - 4

Hollow handed her a long blonde wig with a tiara, the center jewel being a soul gem. he then explained that when activated with a touch, the enchanted wig would appear to all eyes as her own hair.

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Horns & Halos CH4

_this is making me a bit peckish, _she thought, turning back towards the stall, seeing a bowl full of soul gems for sale. "hmm...", she said, selecting a brown one from the bowl. "zaci...chaotic evil adept, a noteworthy soul."

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6

He called it a soul gem and blew on it to create our fire?" i asked. mihlihssah bobbed her head slowly. "soul gems cast soolmah without feeding on the user.

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Chapter 21

Seeing the crystals, soul gems, and other various things of the cave shadow was in awe. "this cave is old....older than shadow dragons." he muttered hoping for the best.

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chapter 22

Dante said before standing and walking to a black soul gem that faintly glowed violet in pulses.

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Elder Scrolls Story: The Vampire Problem

" " - then it's some ass trying to capture the living soul gem." he blinked. "the vampire wanted me?" "that's what he said." serrek shrugged. "all that about you and being a huge source of power for any vampire that caught you.

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