The Rules of Truth or Dare
All sexual intercourse activity is prohibited during gameplay.
The Prohibited Zone (part 2)
One without sexual intercourse, one with sexual intercourse, but without bathroom play.
Broken Dreams Chapter 5 (clean)
Any sign that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with you?" "no he didn't." "and did he say anything about sex while you were having your session?" "no." "thank you. no further questions. you may step down."
Views on Sex
._ _ _ _indeed, it is by no means uncommon to see sexual intercourse being performed out in public._ _ _ _you may be wondering how a male with a dick and a female with a dick go about this act, besides the obvious of course._ _ _ _well
No More Goasts
"tobias jedidah hess, are you implying sexual intercourse between me and chase?" sydney said pseudo-indigninantly. tj looked like he wanted to say something, but he burst into laughter and soon so did sydney.
Prologue to a new world
intercourse, but only 3 cases in the last 10 years were confirmed of that.
Soul Harvesters: Manual
Even so, the most you see in any public place is a simple groping, lewd and suggestive rubbing, and maybe some grinding, surprisingly enough, their are the occasional full-blown sexual intercourse, but it tends to be pretty tame and vanilla.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 11
This can be wonderful, like a rollercoaster ride or sexual intercourse, but can sometimes turn into a "bad trip" where the subject can feel intense pain or even a dreaming "death".
Chapter Ten
_ i can't help but to be tugged into this all out lust fest, our testosterone preparing us for sexual intercourse. _i know this feels good, amazing even, but this has to stop right now!
The Gypsy's Curse
Her doctor diagnosed her with _placental_ abruption and forbade her to do housework, engage in sexual intercourse or travel until after the birth. she insisted that bernie stay by her side throughout the remainder of the pregnancy.
Tropical - Chapter Eleven
"oh, and no sexual intercourse while on the lagoon's property," ryan added. "of course," rye said, again feeling his cheeks burn. "now that i said all i need to, we don't need to be so formal. cloud, i have the usual paperwork for you to fill out.
After the Storm - Part 23 [Looking Back]
"you're too ugly for me to view as anything sexual." "fuck you!" the blaziken couldn't stop himself from laughing as he punched the luxray in the shoulder.