Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 1

What happened to the remote control?" "i found it and disabled it." intrigued, the admiral said, "you disabled a military remote control? how were you able to do that?" "it was simple really.

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Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

He continued to smell of pizza dough, as the dragon stood infront of the tv with the remote control in hand. the room was not warm, the room was not comfortable.

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He then thought about racing remote control cars, and he thought that he might have to do that, but the remote-control cars he had were cheap ones that one could find at the local dollar stores around the town of kellyville, and if he wanted better cars, he

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How to Raise a Dragon (Part 2)

Daran lifted his tail and farted in wilker's face several times, laughing in a goofy tone as he witnessed wilker waft the smell away and hand daran the remote control.

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I love you

It means i'll always let you hold the remote control. mai tumase pyar it means a single smile from you will brighten my day like a sun. it means a touch from you will make all things right. iniibig kita!

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the story of the SKULLS YELLOW SKULLS story

Okay my story i wasn't like this a good 10 years ago no, no i was fat and very big my excressise was getting out of bed or trying to find the television remote control, my diet was bad too i ate nothing but chips, chicken, surgery drinks, i was so lazy i would

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Sonic Adventure 3 Anime Edition (episode 1)

You see, one of the eggman's robots must found the hided bomb's remote control and blown up the grandpalace! i barely could stop him! tails sonic, you were conned! there was no bomb's remote control!


Chronicles of B-man: Oggstrouse Prologue

-xavier reached over to a remote control on his recliner as he sat down. "do we know where he lives yet?" -the woman spoke again- "not yet, but we have the fight data so far."


Shrinking the plagiarist

It looked like a gimmicky remote control, just with buttons to change size instead of channels. at worst, it'd be a useless novelty we'd both get a laugh out of. at best... well, i didn't _plan_ on taking it as far as i did, but sometimes things happen.

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Chapter Fifteen -- The Candyman Can

He pointed the remote control at the screen, and the recording again began to run. aiko listened in growing horror. she lost her self-control and let the tears fall when she heard hanako cry, "mummy!"

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bowrll's Birthday - Bizarre Blessings

Then she noticed the remote control, undamaged, in his other hand. she snatched it up with a grin and an: "aha!"

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Pain in the Folf - Commission

As he headed into the living room, he grabbed the remote control for the television. all eamane did was try and pull it away from conner and saying quietly "no". despite this, conner continued to be a mischief.

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