Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 8

**Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 8: The Binding of Two Souls** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the...

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Character Sheet: Learco Shadowflower

**family:** -mother: lydia, a skilled assassin, she taught him to use long ranged weapons. -father: andrea, a priest, a kind man who took more care of him when he was young.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Fifteen

There was a ranged weapon attached to his back but that was the only ranged weapon that nishant could see. "if only we had more time, nishant gerbo the mutated," velsh'nark said in a heavy accent.

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Who would win ? Machine city Matrix or skynet terminator

The sentinel wins melee and can overwhelm a terminator long range weapons with numbers. the matrix against skynet. again the matrix seems to have the edge. ability to launch a cyber warfare attack on skynet.

Boredom makes you write weird things

But heat is not the only problem, what if someone is attacking me with a ranged weapon? the answer is easy: 6 surface-to-surface missiles.


War of Spirits: Manual.

**warrior ** becomes **soldier** : those combat veterans have experience in wiedling a wide variety of weapons, including long ranged weapons.

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Furries university Chapter 21: Field of sorrows

"gunners can use any long range weapon and some of the swords" ryu answered "it should have a better name but it doesn't matter, they didn't add swords till a few months ago, when kit joined".

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Introduction to Manipulators: Various Species of Manipulator

Because of their strength, exos in the military generally train in ranged weaponry, because they can lift and carry all the big guns without using telekinetix. they can take up a wide variety of duties that make use of their ability within civilian life.

Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound

With her ability to never be hit with a ranged weapon or spell, she's perfect. she even has a tendency to dodge sword blades supernaturally. on top of that, she's excellent with a dagger, however much she hates to admit it.

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The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch2) Ground and Pound

._ making our way into the building, we all draw short-range weapons. i draw a pair of knives, stone draws a pistol, others draw various weapons from swords to smgs; flare draws a full auto plasma shotgun. we all pause and look at her. "what?

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Mythical Tales Chapter 3: Caen

"part of my training, miu trained me with swords, bill in long weapons, anne and acanda in stealth and reconnaissance and mei with ranged weapons.

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They specialize in smaller close-range weaponry, such as knives, daggers, and hatchets.

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