The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter II

#3 of the mysterious dragonman << previous | first | next >> and there's chapter 2 ! i'll try to upload them at a regular pace, otherwise i'll forget. i'm starting to deviate from the rp a bit since we escaped as soon as we were awoken.

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter I

#2 of the mysterious dragonman << previous | first | next >> uh, i'm so terribly lazy with submissions.

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Prologue

The man that made the show had a disguise that made him look like he had wings and a tail like a dragon - which could be easily explained, the show being called "the mysterious dragonman".

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter III

#4 of the mysterious dragonman woaw i thought i didn't even uploaded the first chapter here...

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