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I really appreciate you, Your helpful, giving ways, And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays. I thank you for your kindness, I will not soon forget; You're one of the nicest people I have ever met. wrriten by: me um thanks for...
Behind Every Cover
, friendship and you will be around the most important people in you're life that helped get you out of the dark painful pages of you're story.
Home Sweet Farm Chapter 12 "Forgive Me! I Call Your Name!"
love? friendship? what a load of garbage people only become strong through hatred and anger." "we will see." kevin said running at gerald again.
foresight and luck
They never dated but always had a loving friendship.
Unfolding Her Wings
He didn't know if it was out of love, friendship, or just deep loyalty, but it only made him treasure his friend even more.
Forest's Crush, Part One
I was distant towards everyone and everything, love, friendship, everything. i feel stupid that i did for all this time..." he used to dislike love? i should ask about that.
Black Meridian 19: Hold Me Close
Was it family type love? friendship love? was it simply unadulterated canine lust? or was it _real_ love? he didn't know, and it was easier not to think about it.
Chapter 5 - Poetry
We have feelings of some kind about everybody we know, whether it's love, friendship, hate, fear, or a thousand other things. and you obviously have some feelings about wanda. so i'm asking, what are those feelings?" "eh... i don't know!