Forest's Crush, Part One
#1 of Forest's Crush
This story is about a ten year old Stoat named Forest Edge, and his crush, a mercenary named Cyprus X
I tried writing porn, but it turned into a cute clean story shrugs
I like it so it doesn't matter ^^
Tonight's the night! The person Mom called four days ago will finally come over to our house, but just for a couple hours. Well, it's better than nothing, I suppose... I'm currently sitting on this comfy sofa in the living room as I play my favorite game of all time, Crash Team Racing, that I bought off the Playstation Network, thanks to my weekly allowance. I'm doing this just to try and calm myself down from being too excited to see him. I don't want my mom to notice.
She called my name a couple times from the dining room not too far from my location, but I couldn't hear her fully due to the volume blasting on this large plasma screen. Once she said my name again, my ears twitched and I paused what I was doing. "You called me, Mom", I asked.
"Yes, Forest, for the third time." I apologized to her, then she calmed down a bit and continued. "Your babysitter is just around the corner. Once he gets here, I'll be leaving."
I groaned loudly and rolled my black eyes. "He's not a babysitter, Mom... remember?"
"Yes yes, a mercenary I hired as a guard from that... guild, club, whatever."
I sighed. "The International Mercenary Guild?"
"Oh.... that's what IMG means... I'm not too sure about hiring a guy and a merc, but... his reputation for protecting is amazing." The thing is this: This is my mother's first time leaving me alone, leaving her ten year old amber colored stoat by himself. Well, I'm not fully amber; my hands, feet, and from my muzzle down to inner thighs are dark green. I'm lithe, but I'm pretty healthy for my age. Eating right and playing Dance Dance Revolution can do that to me.
Anyways, she was called to a very important meeting and had no choice but to. After some haggling on the hiring fee, she wanted the best to watch me at all time. She loved me too much to leave me with a simple babysitter for just a few hours, I must admit. She was nervous and didn't know what she was doing as she searched up the IMG's profiles. Seeing this only opportunity and chance to meet him again, I easily helped her look up the profile of the ferret/mouse merc, Cyprus, for her. She was amazed from the experience and recommendations he has gotten and set up to hire him on the spot. That is why I'm so excited to see him again, but I don't want Mom to know and think I'm setting her up or something...
Once I heard that doorbell rang, I gasped, then I shut my eyes and held my breath, hoping that it was Cyprus at the door, not one of Mom's annoying "friends" that won't leave us alone once they found out about her leaving the house. My grip on my wireless controller got tighter hearing the door open. "Ah there you are Mr. X", Mom said in the distance.
I heard a familiar chuckle, then his voice when he said, "The X stands for Ten. Ma'am. And please no mister; call me Cy. It's shorter."
"Okay then, Cy! I'm glad you can make it, and right on time, too!" I deeply exhaled and put a big smile on my face. I really want to jump off and tackle him to just... hug and squeeze him, showing how much I miss him so badly! Once again... I have to control myself.
Then I felt sad. It's been a couple months and we only ran into each other through a mission of his. I was on a school trip and I lost a prize I won at the arcade when someone ran down the walkway, knocking it out my hand and me just watching it fall into the water fountain. I was heartbroken. It was a rare plushie and it'll never be on shelves again. Cy saw about to break down and cry after catching that jerk. He deserved to get knocked out on the spot for making me drop my plushie...
Cyprus put a smile on my face. He walked up to me to dry my eyes with a napkin, saying he'll be back and went into the arcade. Him holding that identical large plushie I've lost when he came back out made me gasp. He handed it straight to me and pat the fluff on my head, telling me to hold onto it a bit tighter than I was before. I didn't get the chance to thank him. The people around were too busy saying "Aw" and making him feel a bit embarrassed. He just waved and smiled at me before he took off with the unconscious person, vanishing in the crowd of people.
I still remembered that day well. Besides my Mom, he showed me that someone really cared and go out their way to make me feel better, even if it's as "small" as that prize. But I sighed and lowered the volume on the television before resuming my game. It's a good chance that he has forgotten about me... but still, I want to listen in on their conversation.
"Look, he's in good hands", Cyprus said. "No need to worry. I'll keep my eye on him at all times."
"It's that I've never left my son before...especially with... well..." I've heard silence, until Mom took a deep breath. "Okay, okay. I'll be... going now. Um... be good, Forest!"
"Don't worry mom, I will!" I definitely will with him here, obviously. Once the door closed moments later, my ears detected a sound of something impacting the wall. It was a gentle bonk sound, so I assume Cyprus' head once I heard muttering sounds. Then, he started walking towards the living room. I swear, my heart was beating faster and faster after each step he took! I bit my lip as my hands quivered, feeling my nerves kicking in. I took a deep breath and relaxed a little, trying to get back to my game. But, I just couldn't focus. Thanks to that, I ended up losing the race, from being first to last place, and only a few inches away from the finish line.
His walking ceased, but I didn't look, just moving my thumb to press up and down on my D-pad. I finally build the courage to slowly look to my left. And there he was, that ferret in those cute mouse ears crossing his arms and observing me, only to chuckle after. "Well, we meet again, little man."
I dropped my controller and blinked a few times. I couldn't believe it; I was so shocked that he remembered me! This gray ferret thing in mouse ears and no fur tilted his head from seeing my reaction, blinking those... yellow, and gorgeous, glowing eyes at me. He scratched his short hair that was gray starting from the temple down to it slowing fading to black, dodging those small and devlish looking dark red horns on his head. He focused his white pupils right on me with a little bit of confusion on his face. "Did I", he said, "say something wrong or...?"
I didn't let him finish. I quickly jumped from my seat and made haste to Cyprus, hopping on this guy to give him a big hug with my arms and legs wrapped around his sides. Our cheeks connected with each other, and as I giggled, I rubbed my face on his. "No... I'm just so happy you remembered me!"
He chuckled softly and pat me on my head fur. "Now why would I forget you, the little guy that gave me the best smile that got me through my day couple months ago?"
I looked him in his eyes as I blinked mine a couple times. "I did?"
He nodded and smiled softly. "Yeah! I would like this unexpected moment if I knew your name though."
Oh yeah... that's right. He doesn't know my name. I jumped off him, feeling a bit embarrassed that I've done that to him, him calling it "unexpected". "My name's Forest Edge", I said softly.
"Forest, hm? That's a nice name." I giggled and thanked him. It's weird. I've never giggled so loud and blithely like that before...
I took this chance to take a look at him better as he crossed his arms. He only had on a t-shirt, a pair of loose and partially ripped pants, leaving the suspenders hanging down, and...some spiky looking boots, in a solid and jet black color. It wasn't the clothes that bothered me; it was that it's cold outside, about twenty-ish with gusty wind and rain, The Weather Channel said. I'm concerned he'll catch a cold or something in that fur-less body. But right now he looks fine. Maybe the cold doesn't bother him? Not really sure.
I really like the tribal marking tattoo thing he has on his left arm. Another thing I'm concerned with is... where did his fingerless glove for his right light gray colored hand go? He only had one on his left hand. But assuming that he's a mercenary, he must've gotten a scar or some kind of injury to hide from me and others. I immediately threw that silly thing out my mind. I couldn't help but think how he'll look without anything on... Well, I'll just leave that to my random and perverted imagination, knowing that it would not happen at all...
As I beamed my eyes back to his glowing ones, he raised a brow down at me. "You alright there, Forest", he asked. "You were staring at me for a pretty long time there..."
I blinked and blushed, apologizing to him, then laughed nervously with me rubbing the back of my neck. Guess I was checking his lovely self a little too long. "I...I... never seen your style of clothing before, that's all." I had to lie to him, hopefully my last. I didn't want to tell him and freak him out over what feelings I have for him. I gotta be more careful next time!
Listening to that chuckle again, something told me that Cy didn't buy what I said anyway. I got a little nervous and silently gulped. "Sure thing, Forest. But tell me something... How did you find me? I don't think your mother had anything to do with it."
I widened my eyes. "What do you mean?"
"Well, seeing her reactions..." Cyprus pulled out a small index card and grinned, reading through what was on it before facing me again. "...and reading this interesting note of stuff here, she would've found someone on the top list of mercenaries available in her area in the IMG. I'm one of the underground ones, meaning you can't easily find my profile like the popular or desperate ones, and not well known in the guild." He leaned down and smirked at me, making me blush a bit more. Our noses only a few inches away from touching. "So... how did you find me, or knew that I was a mercenary?"
I had to think of something quick! "W-well...uh... I... stumbled onto your name when she asked me to look for someone. And... you beating on that guy in the mall months ago, I guessed that you were or else you would've gotten arrested for doing something like that." Well I kind of felt better that the last ones weren't a lie. But I still kept my main reasons secret from him.
Cyprus nodded and stood up straight. "Good point... easiest 10K ever made." I tilted my head. That jerk was worth that much?! "Yup, 10K. I think he was wanted for identity theft and stuff. It was Christmas shopping and he stole a lot of names, credit cards, and social security numbers to get what he wanted for that holiday." He rolled his eyes and sighed. "But anyways, Forest..." He then pointed behind me, at my big television. "I think you were in the middle of something, my friend."
I forgot that I left that on. Weird that I didn't even listen to the sound effects of the go-carts driving all over the place. I just sighed with relief that the topic was dropped quickly and sharply nodded a few times. "Y-yeah, but no big deal. I lost anyways."
Cyprus walked by me and towards the couch, sitting down on it and getting comfortable. His used his tail to grab onto the controller, coiling around the object I dropped, and showed it to me. "Then try again. I don't play games much so... show me how to play!"
I nodded and grabbed the controller from him, hopping onto the couch and scooting next to him. After I got situated, I restarted the game. "This is one of my favorite games, even though it's pretty old and came out on the first playstation. It's one of the few game starring Crash Bandicoot that I like."
Cyprus rubbed his chin. "I see... let's see how it plays."
"All righty!" I restarted the race and immediately started racing. During this pretty easy run, I looked over to Cy. He just grinned and looked at the way I play. It made me smile myself. I focused on the game, gotta entertain him the best I can. However... I had to ask him questions without him knowing where I'm going with them. I pondered, then I got one in mind. "Say Cyprus... you have any friends or...?"
"A few", he replied. "Just enough for me. Good friends of mine are Josh and my old mentor Chai. I used to be such an ass. Thanks to those two... I honestly know what it's like to have a true friend... being held, liked, and cared for." He paused and lounged back. "I don't feel so lonely and depressed anymore... and it feels really nice."
That is nice. "I guess you had a bad past?"
"Yeah I did... I was distant towards everyone and everything, love, friendship, everything. I feel stupid that I did for all this time..."
He used to dislike love? I should ask about that. "Then you're seeing someone now?"
"Oh no, I'm still single. I didn't feel right about it dating someone. I would like to be friends with that person first, then if I feel a more comfortable, or develop a stronger emotion or something, I'll probably get back to dating, starting with that person." The demon next to me paused. "Josh analyzed my orientation, calling it... demisexual or something." He shrugged and sighed. "Whatever the hell that is..."
Great! He's not seeing anyone. Before I asked more questions, he beamed at me with a big smirk on his face and asked first. "Now, why are you asking me these questions? You must have a reason... I can obviously tell..."
Crap... He's pretty keen catching onto me. It seems that he was getting information before concluding where I was going... I paused the game and placed the controller next to me, sighing deeply. I turned to him with red cheeks and poked my index fingers together. "I might as well tell you my main reason, Cyprus."
"Please do."
I took a deep breath. "Well... you believe love on first sight?"
Cyprus arched a brow at me, then chuckled. "Does the little guy have a crush on someone?" I nodded, shyly smiling at him. Well, there was on need to hide it now. He continued to smirk at me and moved a few inches closer, noses almost touching. "Well... is he this close to you?"
I gulped and nodded slowly. He was just making me more nervous than what I am now. Well... here goes nothing. I took a deep breath and kissed him tenderly right on the nose. "Yes, Cy... I...I really like you..."
The mouse eared ferret didn't mind me kissing him. "That's so adorable", he said softly. "I knew there was a reason why I'm here."
"Yeah... I guess you figured me out pretty quick huh?"
"Let's say... certain clues were given to me." I don't know what he meant by that, but I'll take a wild guess. I'm thinking my questions and me being all shy towards him gave it away. Maybe that index card he had? Nah, I shouldn't worry about it; could be something my mom gave him about what I eat, drink, and when I sleep, or something...
I should have thought this through more. I froze in my seat with bright red cheeks, just looking at the guy I really like. My crush even asked me, "Is this what you wanna do, just stare at and that's it when he's this close to you?"
"I... I never thought you would accept my feelings", I said truthfully, "so I don't know what to do now."
"Of course I'll accept", he said. "You were the first I like that can come front and kiss me. But next time, be a bit more direct with me instead of leaving hints around."
"I couldn't! You're an adult and I'm only... ten. So, I got scared and kept it secret." I paused. "I thought you would leave me if I confess and I'll never see you again..."
Cy gently rubbed my head with his fur-less, but soft, hands. It instantly calmed me down and I gave into the head rub easily. "I wouldn't, Forest, especially when you came this far. Pretty courageous of you." He paused and blushed lightly. "And also, I... I like you too, Forest. Wasn't sure if you felt the same." He held onto my cheeks gently and I opened my eyes, only to gaze into his. Then he did what I was not expecting, making me gasp lightly. He lips pressed on mine for a slow and romantic kiss. "You're just so cute, I couldn't help but like you."
He called me cute, then kissed me because he likes me as well? Wow, this is going smooth for me. I think too smooth, but whatever... I turned off my gaming system with my controller and jumped on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and laying my head right on his chest. Cyprus returned the hug as his palm rubbed on my head fur once more. I felt very relaxed like this, holding someone in my arms with a happy sigh. "I guess you don't wanna play anymore", asked Cyprus.
I shook my head and giggled. "I just want to stay like this for a bit."
I felt his tender kiss on my temple and my petting continued. "Sure thing."
I looped my tail around his and sighed with joy and success. "Love you, Cy."
He made me giggle happily when he replied with, "Love you, too, Forest... you adorable thing you..."