Shade the Feral Wolf character sheet
Shade came from an rp session with my mate and i loved playing her role especially because of her background. at least now i have a prey and pred i love to work with.
Dixie Kong TF Story
She loved playing these games and monkeys were her favorite animal. soon, she sighed.** **"man..i sure wish i could be monkey would be so cool.."** **as soon as she said that, she saw her clothes start to fade color.
Illumanati's Diary 1
Summerbreeze, stephan and i love playing games. we live in a small house in a village. i use to live in a large cabin in the woods, quiet and peaceful. until those mean humans set it on fire with me and my parents inside. i survived.
Birthday Balloon 4
Travis gave an evil grin as he threw it away, "i love playing pranks on the new guys." unfortunately, he never read the warning label, "not for comsumption!" thwump! dayton was pinned down to the mat, "oof."
Warmth of Your Arms: The Beginning
And tala loved playing with the woman's hair. the black-furred lady twirled a strand of kheisa's hair, giving the smallest smile...she had a permanent come-hither look on her face, and her smile was enough to warm a person to their soul.
Sheriff Sierra Wright Ref Sheet
She also loves playing hero to sensitive and helpless men, as she finds them adorable. sierra mostly wants a long-term romantic relationship though. any actual sex is just a bonus.
BLACKMAIL - Chapter 2
#4 of blackmail - a sonadow story i love playing uno-cards xd **chapter 2** 2 minutes later at sonics house, sonic came down from the bathroom to the living room where shadow was supposed to be. "so i'm back, what are you waaatch- shadow?"
Blood Rose-10
He loved playing with cassie when she ventured out. he even liked micha's surly company. he couldn't lose that for the world. she didn't hate him. that was a good start.
Mothers and Daughters
When she was little tinsel used to love playing dress up with her mother, just the two of them. that is, until her first year of high school.
A New Life
Kaeryn herself was not bad looking, she was a geek in school, mostly because of the games she loved playing and making both on the computer and outside with her friends. she had medium length brown hair, brown eyes.
*PDS* Muriel And Oscar's Snowman - 2013
She loves playing in the snow, even if it isn't easy to make a snowball with no arms. muriel's snowman by tannim december 08, 2012 muriel pushed on the snowball with her bare right foot, then hopped forward on the other.
Ashcroft Investigations: Caught in the Mouse's Trap
Besides, you guys love playing with the kitten right? go have fun!" "we hate that guy!" the rat protested. "last time we fought half of us were limping for a month! a month!" "hush hush it'll be fine!"