Warmth of Your Arms: The Beginning

Story by TalaMoontear on SoFurry

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Soft, light snow billowed in an ongoing dance, adding to the already inch-think blanket coating the normally green farmlands... Night was just setting in, blurring edges and causing the world to just generally disappear into mist. Wind blew, adding a whistling noise to the dance of the weather.

The only thing that could be seen was a flickering light, coming from a nearly-disappeared building close to a snow covered forest. All else was dark, and peaceful silence echoed around the land... Any sounds that would normally be heard, such as the neighing of a horse or a call of an owl, was muted by the snow. The frozen world seemed barren of life, except for that one flickering light.

Within the window, two ladies were snuggled close to the fire... One was a rather tall, beautiful-looking panther woman. Her cat ears were pricked forward, and the emerald green eyes were focused on the lady she was cuddled with. Her tail swayed gently, and she was giving off a low purr of contentment.

"Tala, you spoil me." The other spoke, turning her gaze from the flickering firelight to the panther woman. The other resembled a squirrel... Her fluffy, puffed-out tail was curled around the legs covered in fur. She was beautiful to Tala... And Tala loved playing with the woman's hair.

The black-furred lady twirled a strand of Kheisa's hair, giving the smallest smile...She had a permanent come-hither look on her face, and her smile was enough to warm a person to their soul. The thing was, Tala didn't smile much...Just when she was around Kheisa, or new friends. "I give you only everything you deserve, Kheisa my dear." Her voice was soft, gentle...

And for a moment, both fell silent as they turned their gaze to the fire. The firelight danced and jumped, giving off a gentle and soothing crackle...Warmth radiated to the two curled up in a blanket, but Tala mused they didn't really need the fire to be warm tonight. It took only eachother, really, she thought.

"I love you, dahling." Kheisa said, adding her small little joke to the end...Which, Tala always found positively adorable. Kheisa was adorable, though. Especially when she laid her head on Tala's shoulder and looked up at her with that smile. Tala always melted at that smile, and gave in to anything.

As a response, the cat woman leaned her head down to give Kheisa a gentle, loving kiss... And for a moment, the world was just there. In the warmth of each other's arms, they were happy.

Bathed in the glow of firelight, the kiss was perfect. Kheisa had her paw on the back of Tala's head, and Tala was holding her love close. She'd never regretted for a moment proposing when she did, and when they kissed for the first time, Tala knew there was no mistake. It was like Kheisa was made for her.

Reluctantly, they broke apart to look at the clock on the wall... The minutes had ticked by, and it was getting close to ten o'clock. They had a long day of wedding planning tomorrow, and Tala knew it would be a smart idea to head to sleep. Sweet dreams definately waited, but she wondered just how sweet they would be curled up with the love of her life.

"Time for bed, kitten." Tala said softly, moving the blanket to rise and offering a paw to Kheisa. "We have a long day tomorrow..." She contemplated for a moment just how to ask Kheisa to her room for the night, and her mind came up blank. She was great in preparing romantic evenings, but when it came to the right thing to say, she was clueless...

Kheisa smiled up at Tala and took her paw, rising and abandoning the blanket by the fire. For a moment, they were staring in each other's eyes again...But the moment was broken when Tala leaned down to place a kiss on Kheisa's forehead. "Stay with me tonight?"

There was a pause, as the panther woman's stomach clenched in nervousness. But when Kheisa responded, she wondered why she ever got nervous anymore... She knew she'd never lose her love. "Why would I not, love?" The response was gentle, but teasing. Tala knew her better.

Tala smiled, before gently releasing Kheisa's paw to bound up the stairs and into her room. It was plain, but the lamps on both bedside tables glowed dimly...Giving her enough light to dress by. She quickly stripped of her red evening gown, before placing it on a hanger and slipping on a light blue cotton nightgown.

She slipped into bed, watching the door lovingly, waiting for Kheisa to enter. When the woman finally entered, dressed in her own pajamas, Tala patted the space beside her.

As the squirrel woman slipped into place on the right side of Tala, the taller one wrapped her arms around the lady and placed her head on top of the red-furred one. "Good night, my love...Sweet dreams." She whispered, gently and in a slightly tired tone.

Drowsily, as if she was already half asleep, Kheisa replied,"You, too..." And snuggled closer to Tala. For a moment, the world was silent...Kheisa's breathing slowed, telling Tala that the squirrel woman had fallen asleep already in her arms. With a small smile, the mammalian placed her lips on top of the other's head. Just before slipping into the darkness of her mind, she whispered something...

"I love you, my dear."