heart of a champion ch1

"Cheaters never win but legends never die," I've been down on my luck since the stock market fell 8 years earlier life's been hard no jobs,people Starving,no money. I thought all hope was lost until I Saw him it was March 1936, I saw him at the track...

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September 4th 1920 Belmont Park The field lines up for the Lawrence Realization I knew today was going to be special they lined up behind the tape, the bell rang and he took off thundering around the first turn by 2 lengths none of the others...


Beating A Live Horse

"with the horse racing..." "yes?" "do you think they like it?" "ah?" "you know, being beaten, leather." katie smiled slowly and strangely. she licked her lips very deliberately. "getting ridden _hard_."

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Horsing Around

"it says we have to take a cab to some horse race track on the other side of town to find out next tip." "ok. let's... do it." zack lets out a large belch, blushing softly. "excuse me." the boys take a minute to get out of their seats.

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The Tomes Of Malderon

raced through the crowd barely avoiding blow after blow of worgen.

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"i think i was supposed to be in a horse race, but it wasn't like anything i'd ever seen before. don't remember much about it now."

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Taking the Consequences

They had been imagining themselves in a horse race as they dodged around the furniture that marked their track. from the side of the room came an excited squeal from a baby squirrel.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

He still gambles at the horse races. most of all, however, poseidon is an environmentalist. he rages at what humans are doing to his ocean, and he has plans to make them stop.

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The Great Steamboat Race

So it will be a three horse race today." "but they aren't horses!" timothy called out, "they're steamboats!" friendly blushed; he hadn't been counting on timothy just calling out like that.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter forty eight hooves pounded on the dirt like thunder as adlis and kio's horses raced full speed toward embraus.

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When the Truth is Revealed

He drew his knife and stood as the horse raced up. then he lept, his blade cutting through the horse's neck and then through the rider's side. sol was spattered with blood, but he didn't notice. the rider screamed in pain and flew off of the dead animal.

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 3

"likely, only they know the true story, but the root of it is a horse race where the rulers took exception and it escalated quickly. within two years they declared war, but elves are a strange race.

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