A Best Friend Part 2

Lucy was gentle and caused minimal destruction. "i swear lucy i don't what to do with you now" you said. "learn to deal with the fact that i do what i want now with in reason" she said sitting on a building.

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Gentle Autumn

Holding you in my arms, watching you sleep Your head resting on my chest, hearing my heart beat My back to a grand tree, among autumn fall leaves The sun light slips between the branches Gazing down on this oh so sweet paring The wind is cold but...

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A Gentle poem

Is a cry this is a plea please will you come please rescue me im tired of waiting tired of fighting you have struck my heart like a bolt of lightening this is a poem from a sweet scared little husky will you hold me tight my strong gently

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Sales Pressure

Giovani yawned widely as he awoke for another day of work. He quickly donned his best suit, grabbed his suitcase from the closet, and placed his fedora, which nestled perfectly between his pointed ears, onto his head from the rack by the front door....

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Hydreigon Hugs

A quagsire dropped by and gave you a gentle headbutt. a krabby lightly scratched your sobble and caused the lil creature to cry in surprise.

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Hypnovember 30 - Awaken

Your sleep is as dreamless as it is restful. Your eyelids are slammed shut, unaware of anything outside of them--unaware you have eyelids at all. Your mind does not race. It is still like the night. No matter the obligations you had before or the...

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When Your Crush Almost Crushes You

There they were: four ginormous white legs, moving with an incredible grace and gentleness for something so huge and destructive.

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Rocket Raccoon Comforted

Rocket took a gentle sip, and - nope, that was drax who groaned, not him, nope definitely not him - then began to drink, the coffee smooth, rich, warm as it slid down his throat; soothing balm for his mind, gentle medicine for his

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Love's Gentle Breath

Your breath as gentle, soft, and sweet as the petals of a rose scattered across a bed made for the both of us to lay upon. i see my future containing you in every minute.


Let gentle be the hands.doc

_let gentle be the hands of fate.

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A Gentle Rustling of Leaves

A gentle cracking could be heard as the face's mouth opened up and showed the bright orange of freshly stripped bark underneath.

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Hypnovember 10 - Gentle

A set of tiger claws wrenched the glass from his hand, placing it gently down on the coffee table. the hand on his knee, meanwhile, migrated to his shoulder. "it's no trouble, you know."

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