Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 10)

One and all stepped aside as he was carried in slow procession to the funeral pyre in the center of the camp. saccularius's was laid out atop the pyre, then mordekai and kage stood atop the pyre to face the crowd.

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Fly Among the Stars...

**_Angels come bear witness... Time has ended early... Your child returns... Judge her honour... Forgive her wrongs... She loved the world... She cherished all... She hated none... She gave from her heart... She leaves with a smile... Ready...

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Jade and Amethyst (Chapter 6)

And prepare a separate funeral pyre for the invaders' dead. they deserve as much respect in death as our own even though they didn't give us that respect in life."

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Berserker Part 3: War

Later that night we gathered around the humble funeral pyre build for the general.

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Undying Fire

pyre, by misty wood and clovered lane the gargoyles watch with eyes aflame.

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Final Exit

Once a great city i had ruled over that now lay in rubble, great fires gutting skyscrapers, funeral pyres; previously unseen miracles of architecture and engineering collapsing and snapping like twigs, metal screaming in pain as it was reshaped and twisted

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 42

It smelled a lot like the old wolves they'd occasionally burn on the funeral pyres back home. burnt fur. very bitter.

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Red Snow

Our attention turned back to the funeral pyre as our tribe broke away, the leader heading towards us. i stiffened, raising my chin as he approached. the look on his face was impossible to read.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 43

It smelled a lot like the old wolves they'd occasionally burn on the funeral pyres back home. burnt fur. very bitter.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 9

Normally the executed don't get funeral pyres. such things were reserved only for those who had suffered honourable deaths, but she would have made an exception for him.

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 11)

Mordecai looked at him with confusion; he seemed to be lighting his own funeral pyre, so to speak. "but i did not die! a noble warrior fell instead! the greatest in your clan... felled by a weakling! does this not seem wrong?

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 15

He looked to the east, wondering if the spirits of the great wolves who leave this world really do drift up to the cora riding the ashes of their funeral pyres, like mother always said, but the top half of the cora could not be seen through the thick layer

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