The Tale of the Dragon & Wolf

The Tale of the Dragon &Wolf By: Sparta There was once a little wolf girl who sat by a pond, and watch the frogs swim and play. All alone she would sit and wonder what it was like to have a friend. One day a little boy wondered over the hill...


The one who owned the world (wip)

It's about the parents of an oc of mine, but in a folk tale format. ** there was once an alicorn who thought she owned the world. she thought this because she was imortal, she believed time could not touch her.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.2)

There is any number of folk tales about it, ghosts, demons, a thing conjured by the enemy, but with no one having ever seen what it is and surviving to tell the tale no one is sure.

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Rat's Reputation: Redwall, new and improved

Many species acknowledge the twelve curials, such as lord kit fox or lady raven, who take mixed roles as folk tale heroes, deities (although they would be the first to point out they are not), overseers of primal aspects of the world such as the earth or the

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 1: The Grin Becomes Ye

Like i said before, leprechauns are just old folk tales. something parents tell their kids. if you want to believe in that stuff, all the power to ya. though, in the end, they're all just stupid folk tales."

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TGBC Character sheet

He is quite knowledgable in folklore and ledgends and loves to find information about his favorite folk tales form the soliders that visit his father. vincent is quite brave and bold in battle and he possesses a golden magical core.


Parting The Pack: Chapter One

Finally, she could spend an hour away from these judgemental patrons, and with the many families that resided in her private inventory of wolf history encyclopedias or folk-tale compilations.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 19)

The section devoted to the amble valley was easily the largest; where the other sections were filled with collections of folk tales and songs, the amble valley had detailed descriptions of the strange rituals and ceremonial robes of what fodiens called

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Goddess (Chapter 2)

There's some fascinating stories from pre-meiji japan connecting giants in with their folk tales. but definitely check out the zandstra." the wolf grinned, fangs somehow making it extraordinarily cute. "thank you. you know a lot about the subject!"

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Fnding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 4: Assessments

I'm good at learning and observing and since most music is based on old folk tales i've done a lot of research into customs and history of this world.

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A Single Candle, Part 1

More than just the mythology, more than the old folk tales. they are friends to him. real beings. family." "we find family where we can.

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Rising Tide - Part 5 - STORY

It was not that he did not believe in biodiversity, after all, he had seen hundreds of species of sentient beings walk the earth, but nowhere in his travels had he ever found conclusive evidence to suggest mermaids were more than a folk tale.

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